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Usagi POV

    I lay in my bed while thinking about (y/n), I really did hope they were alright. Luna hopped onto my bed making me sit up, "I still can't believe what happend with Queen Novar, I trusted her with heart especially since she was friends with Queen Serenity.." Luna would sigh and I picked her up. "I can't help but worry about them both, even if she might be evil or not." Luna had wide-eyes, "didn't she say that there was more too this? Plus, she said herself she uses the wishes for peoples happiness!" I put Luna down and give a determined smile, "I'm sure we'll just have to snap her out of it or somethin! Im positive that we can deal with this." Luna stared at me for a moment and let out a sigh of relief which made me happy. "Now theres something more important right now.." Luna tilted her head, "Huh?" I'd snicker, "Getting some food in my system! Let's get some Barbecue.. that sounds really good right now." Luna gave me a disappointing look as I giggled thinking about all the things I could eat right now, "Typical Usagi...." Luna groaned.

Queen Novar POV


      "My queen!" I hear and look at one of the faithful guards, "Sorry to intrude but have you seen ****? They seem to be missing their duties an-" I put my head in my hand, "Dungeon." They gasp while looking at me with the widest eyes. "What?! They've been put in the dungeon?! I don't understand they were one of the most unproblematic people I know? My apologies for asking but why?" I growl and sit straight, "Don't be so nosy, they haven't done anything wrong except be a bit too curious. They'll be out in no time as well as it wont be on their record." They'd sweat trying to look away before bowing, "I..understand. Thank you m'lady..." They'd close the door while I was once again left alone. I was then left in silence until that agonizing pain came again, ' I wish to be a beautiful girl. ' I hear the wish and grab onto my head as it pains me to feel it. I start to sweat but I try my best to bear it while I grab a piece of paper in agony, I grab the nearest pen and would attempt to draw out this persons wish until I ended up passing out.



    "Hey Serenity?" She'd look at me and smile, "Yes Novar?" I'd get flustered a little from the silly question im about to ask her," Uhm...Well...If you could make everyone in the world happy would you?" She stared at me for a moment before busting out laughing while I stared at her in confusion, "Thats a silly question, of course I would want everyone to be happy. Including me and you! " She'd give me a surprise hug making me fall over and we both laughed in union.


   I would open my eyes and my head was laying on the table. My eyes were probably as dead as I felt at this very moment, I just wish it wasn't like this. I felt a warm watery-substance going down my face and I closed my eyes while wishing for the better.

Usagi POV

     You : HIII (y/n) !! I hope your doing okay and feeling better!!! 

     (y/n)! : hiya usa, im doing pretty fine thanks for the concern.

      You : e4567ubv
      (y/n)! : whaa..

     You : Sorry! I smeared bbq sauce over my phone...

     (y/n)! : I should've known...typical usagi..

      You : Why does everyone keep saying that?! 

      (y/n) : because some things are just...very you...
       You : Huh?

       (y/n) : nvm! anyways..get back to eating and dont worry about me. We don't need your phone broken because 30 pounds of bbq sauce is on your phone. Cya later.

  You : yea yea...but ill see you !

 I smile at my phone as I see Luna looking at me weirdly, "Usagi..theres barbecue sauce all over your face and phone. Go clean that..." I sweat, "Oh..woops! sorryyy...Ill go clean it in the bathroom." I'd get up and go towards the bathroom noticing some people staring at me and I blush in embarrassment..

Minako POV

    I would brush my yellow locks while talking too Artemis, "Yea I agree, (y/n) is a very strong person so I think they'll be fine. This is a hard discovery nd' all but im sure we'll all find a way out of it." I give Artemis a thumbs up. He jumps off my bed and walks towards me, "I have hope in all the guardians, especially (y/n)..." Artemis would suddenly stop talking which startled me a bit, "...Now that I actually think about it, who is (y/n)'s father?" I gasp and put my finger on my chin, "Your kinda right...they or Queen Novar have never said a word about a husband or a dad? I don't think we should ask them directly though." Artemis would nod, " I agree, we may just have to find out ourselves." I'd sweat, "Well firsts, (y/n) definitely has to look more like her dad because they don't really look as godly as Queen Novar. They do have a bit of similarity in personality though." Artemis agreed and started to pace around, " You think maybe they parted ways and forgot about each-other?" I'd shake my head, "I don't think so, pretty sure they or Novar would have told us something like that." Artemis sat down in defeat, "Well I dunno..All we can do now is really figure it out ourselves." I'd nod in agreement while putting down my brush and scratching Artemisis ear as he purred. 

** I know I know... a short chapter but I might do 2 if i have time later (..and motivation. ) but I hope you liked this one for now!! byee! <3333 **

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