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Your POV

as I arrive at my apartment I open the door with the key Luna gave me and view my apartment...  (you may imagine the apartment however you want!)

It's so big! It has everything I need too, but I need to decorate a bit....

You look in each room very happy how they look and how stuff is placed, your a bit shocked when you realize you'll have to cook for yourself or order food..not something your used too sense you are royalty, but it's fine! You'd have to learn some day.

You then go out to buy decorations, food, and clothes! Including basic needs etc. etc...

3rd POV

I still can't believe there's another guardian, I mean?! it doesn't make sense at all we do already have the sailor starlights but I trust luna and what she thinks..

Usagi would hold her broach closer to her, "we should still have some typa memory if there is another guardian...I don't get this at all!" She mumbled. Usagi stood up from her room going downstairs to get a snack..."USAGIIIIII...!!!" A familiar annoying boys voice yelled..

Usagi stomped towards him, "what do you want?! I'm kinda hungry right now so hurry it up!" She uttered. "Yea I know you were hungry! You pig! you ate my chocolate cake that I was saving, I even wrote my name on it!" Shingo blurted .

Usagi shot back " why would I eat your stupid chocolate cake if I didn't even know it was there!" She'd put her hands on her hips and pouted. "EHAT else fatty would have ate it?!" He said. "Well it really wasn't me I'm serious!" Usagi yelled hangrily.

They kept arguing till their mother walked in.

"Will you too stop arguing! I was peacefully trying to nap. Plus what are you fighting about anyways!?" Mother ikuko stated. Shingo started ,"MOMMMM! this pig ate my cake I was saving! And a certain someone WONT admit it!" Shingo aimed a bit.."I DIDNT EAT YOUR STUPID CHOCOLATE CAKE ." Usagi yelled again.

"...........oh dear, that was...yours?" Mother ikuko said sweating .

Artemis POV

"I know Minako! It's confusing to me too...Luna didn't even say anything to me ." I proposed.

"Yea but still! Where did a new guardian even come from, it's all so silly? Everyone's to shocked about it too. I mean, it's not like we knew the outer guardians at first so what's so surprising about this?" Minako said with a calm tone while brushing her hair.

"I guess your right...I mean I'm just glad your not too worried about it, I'm Morley worried about the other guardians tho." I'd state. Minako spoke " yea they are way too worried about all this too much, everyone came in different ways so I think this guardian will hopefully be friendly!" She'd say cheerfully. "I agree."

She'd giggle and pet me then continued to brush her beautiful gold mane.

3rd POV; Outer Guardians.

                Haruka looked a bit stressed, all this stuff going on with a new guardian and maybe a new enemy...

What could happen?

What if something horrible happens?

What if somebody dies?

What if we loose our princess?

What if we fail as guardians?

Her thoughts were interrupted as a certain dark haired child sits next to him.

"Hey hotaru, how are you?" Haruka says. "I'm doing quite fine, you seem a bit.. spaced out? Is something wrong? Is it about...that new guardian?" Hotaru hesitates to say.
  Harukas silence answers her question.

"Please don't worry, it'll all be okay. That guardian is kinda like us if you think about it. We were also late to awaken as well." Hotaru speaks reassuringly. Haruka looks at Hotaru with wide eyes for a moment then softening her expression with a smile included. "Thanks." haruka answered, then giving hotaru a few pats in the head leaving them both smiling warmly.

Your POV

             After getting all the things you needed for your apartment and putting stuff up for a hour or two, you were officially settled In!

     "Ah, I'm so tired after all that..I'm gonna shower before I sleep." You say tiredly.
You showered for awhile, 27 minutes.

"Nice and refreshed! I'm so relieved to go to be-"
Then that's when you

On your dresser, there laid....WAS A ROACH.

   You stared at it for a good 30 seconds.
"EEEEEEKKKK!!! TH..THOSE EARTH BUGS, THEY ARE WAY SCARIER IN PERSON!! UWAHH!" You tripped over your on foot, making the roach startled and moved. Yes, you were on the edge of screaming but you couldn't get kicked out already from noise complaints...

    You got up quicker than the flash and got the nearest thing (which was a newspaper.) You then rolled it up and looked around your room. There it is, directly on the floor. You were horrified at the sight but stayed strong.


     You hit the bug praying and praying it was dead, you scooped up its remains and flushed it down the toilet. You huffed and puffed wishing that there are no more in this apartment, animal control was now a saved number in your phone at that moment.

After all that, you realized your first day of school was the next day after, so you decided to look at your uniform for a moment before trying it on , "perrfectt!" You said, looking into the mirror and happy with how it did fit pretty well. You took it off before you would end up falling asleep in it. You were now back I tried your pjs and stared at the ceiling for a bit before drifting off to sleep in another world.

** VERY long chapter lol, 955 words but it's worth the read I swear!! anyways, hoping you enjoyed im off  now! new chpt tmmr maybe. - author-senpai /hj **


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