CHPT. 12

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Your POV

Me and Usagi were getting to know each other greatly. I did tell her basic things like my favorite color, animal, movie, tv show, song and things I like to do. I realize how nice it is to be with Usagi, she's like a light to me.
"So yea! That's really all about me." Usagi said while sitting back up on your bed. You smiled at her and reply, "well I enjoyed learning all those things about you, usa." She blushed and stared into your eyes for a good minute. You jolt as you realize the nick name you gave her and rub your head slightly. It was a very awkward silence, but she broke it "I' for you to call me that more." She looked at you and nervously played with her fingers, intertwining them now and then. "Really..? Well that's fine with me." I answer. She suddenly looked up at me and gave me the sweetest smile I've ever seen. I had a urge to lean closer to her so I did. I leaned closer and closer making her get as red as a tomato. We were eventually so close i could hear her breathing.



She leaned in a bit closer too.....but. She'd jolt and push my chest so i was away from her, i gasped. She then looked to the side and stammered some words, "I...I'm sorry I have a boyfriend.." She looked away in sadness and another emotion i couldn't define. "No, I'm the one that should be sorry. I shouldn't even have considered it without you're consent in the first place. " I reassure her. I really shouldn't have done that, I know that the future can't change and they are meant to be together. It still hurts though just to even think about it sometimes, i remember when i got jealous because of it.
"Earth to (y/n)! " Usagi shouts at me. "Sorry." My hair blinded my eyes as she stared at me deeply. "It's okay, (y/n) i forgive you don't worry. We'll always be friends!" She smiled at me. Did..she just friend-zone me...? great.

time skip *

  After usagi left it was pretty much awkward between us. I still hope that she actually forgives me, I feel horrible for doing that.

Usagi POV

      On the way home I couldn't stop blushing..I don't know why because I shouldn't feel that way when I'm with mamo already. I hope (y/n) doesn't think I hate them or anything.

"I'm home!" I yell to my mother while heading up the stairs. I change out of my clothes and get into my comfy pajamas while landing face flat on my bed. "Ahh, it's been such a long day." I say muffled by the sheets. Luna hops on my bed and I look at her, "usagi, you were out a whole longer then you said you'd be. I only asked you to get that brush you's been 4 hours and it's night out." I perk up with a sweat on my face."uhh.. I dunno what your talking about.." I say nervously and chuckle."USAAGGII! YOU MESSED UP A ERRAND AS SIMPLE AS THAT!" She'd shout at me while scratching me. "OW..OW!! STOP THAT IM SORRY I SWEEAARRR!"

we argued for the rest of the night.

** sorry it was short I was tired .❤️ ly guys ! **

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