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** #1 in sailorsenshi again?!?! and 700+  reads??!?!? thank you guys sososo much im VERY greatful for the support and that your liking my stories. love you guys and enjoy this chapter! **

    All of you are fools, straight fools I tell you. You believe in such idiotic things that will never come true. Works for me though I gain more than you think from 'this.'

3rd POV

       (y/n) was heading to school still thinking about that revolting pain that occurred that night. They'd look up at the sky while thinking thoughts to themselves. **BUMP** "Ow!" a familiar voice says, they'd look up, about to apologize.  'Mom..? ' they thought with wide-eyes. "What...are..." They tried to start before they'd blink and it was just some random brown haired girl. "Uhm..Are you alright?" The brown-haired girl asks, different voice this time. "..Yea..." (y/n) was a bit paranoid now bu the brown-haired girl apologized and went off with her day. (y/n) would scratch their head thinking of what just happend. Am I paranoid or somethin'? The hell was that,, "(y/n)! Were gonna be late come on!" I flip my head to see the golden bun-head with toast in her mouth. " Your right! Lets go together?" (y/n) would shrug and Usagi nodded and grabbed they're hand making them blush a bit.  


      Setsuna would walk towards the fountain and sit at one of the nearby benches. She'd sigh from what happend the other day and looked up at the sky feeling sorrow. What can we even do now? Should I even say "we" at this point, not even her own child knows the sorry truth. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" A voice infront of Setsuna calls as she looks downwards to see (y/n) bent over and looking directly into her ruby eyes. "Ah, its good to see you doing well (y/n)." They'd nod while standing straight and taking a bite of their (Favorite Candy). "Yeah! Hope your doing okay too." They'd smile. Setsuna gave them a half-smile and look away from them. "..Are you really doing okay? Ever since that castle you have been acting out of place. " Setsuna would gasp while looking downwards with gloom, "Have I? Huh." (y/n) would shake their head, "You can tell me anything, Meiou, I can keep secrets too." They would give her a warm smile and put their hands behind their back. "Well.." She'd start. "Mhm..?" (y/n) carried it out. Setsune suddenly stood up which startled (y/n), "I'm sorry to worry anyone, I've just been tired lately. Please excuse me I have to go." Setsuna walked off with those final words. "H..Hey! Wait!" (y/n) tried to stop her but had no luck whatso ever.

Your POV

               I got into my apartment as well as saying a "Hey" to Albai. I groan while sitting at the edge of my bed checking a few apps on my phone, seeing if anything has happend. ** DING **

Usagi ♡ : Uh, busy?

You : nope.

Usagi ♡ : Can I call you? Theres something i wanna talk about.

You : okay, tell me anything.

My phone would start to ring as a picked it up.
   "Hello?" I say waiting for a response. I raise my eyebrow because it was very silent  till I hear quiet sobbing in the background. "Usa? Are you okay?" I ask in a gentle tone, very worried of what could be happening right now. "S..Sorry..I know it's stupid but I can't stop thinking about mamo and how scared he must've been...I'm so sorry." I went silent for a moment then thought about how hurt Usagi has been feeling this whole time. Even though she put a smile on her face deep down she was hurt and bruised on the inside. "Usa.." I started, "I know how you feel, especially since he was someone you loved a lot. Please don't keep your feelings tucked away any longer. You know you can tell anyone especially me, were all here for you no matter what. Never feel that it was your fault." She alarmed me when she started crying harder, "UHHH.. DID I SAY SOMETHING WRONG? SORRY..SORRY!!" I shout at my phone. "N..No.. that actually made me feel way better, thank you (y/n)." Even though we were on the phone i could still feel her giving me that warm-smile. I was a bit flustered, "Oh yea, im glad...." I really didn't know what to say since I wasn't the "comfort-type." 


        It was now a night time so I decide to-get off the phone with Usa after talking to her for awhile, I was going to change but at this point I was way to tired to move. I ended up laying on my pillow and falling into a deep sleep...

Queen Novar POV

       "Lady Novar!" I'd hear at the back of me. "Yes?" I respond giving the guard a smile. "U-Uhm... I was cleaning your room like you told me too and uh.." The guard would bow, "I didn't mean to peak but..what are Cognitive Minds?" I glare at them at the word in the moment of them sweating so hard the droplets were visible coming town their face. "Mh..Such honesty? What else did you peak at." I would walk towards them and grab their face, the sweat dripping on my hand. "T..That was it! I s-swear!" I gave a closed-eyed smile and tightened my grip on their face. "Go on." They'd start shaking while tears came out of their eyes, "You...You..The wishes are.." I frown while glaring at them. "Peaked? It's more like you were trying to find info." They'd shake their head rapidly but my grip was still secure, "No I swear! Please!" They'd yell at me and I dropped their face and turn around. "It looks like i'll have to deal with you later. If you tell a single soul you won't have a face anymore, okay." I could tell they were stunned from my change of tone. I'd walk off and clench my fist."

** I deeply apologize that this is shorter than usual but today has been a hell of a day and i've tried to write as much as I can. also im still very greatful for all the support you guys are giving and it will forever mean so much to me, thank you.**

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