Darling Bea

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Bea rifled through an old chest and came across yellowed paper. She frowned as she opened it and gasped softly, seeing that it was the letter from so many years before.

My darling Bea,

If Steve or Bucky has done as promised, you've been given a letter. I knew there was risk to this mission, as with all missions, and felt the need to leave a note in case it was my final goodbye. So if you do receive this, it means I'm gone.

We've had quite the adventure, haven't we? From schoolyard children who couldn't stand each other, or rather, you couldn't stand me, to soldiers who fell in love.

Bea, promise me that you'll live a fulfilling life. Maybe teach aspiring pilots like yourself how to fly fighter jets or keep flying yourself. But try to live your life instead of wallowing day after day. While I know you'll be grieving, I can't bear the thought of it consuming you.

I need you to watch out for Steve and Bucky for me, and let them take care of you as well. Neither one of you should be alone. Steve is too reckless, and I'm sorry, doll, but you have that same quality as well. Bucky, while he's more cautious, may do something completely unlike him in his grief. So please just watch out for each other and help each other through this tragic time.

Before I wrap this up, I need to tell you one last thing, and I'm sorry I never said it one last time. I love you more than words can say, Bea, and I hope you know that. I hope you never forget it.

I'll be watching over you, Ace.

Yours truly, Phillip

P.S. You really are a maverick, in every sense of the word, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Bucky and Steve walked into the apartment, hearing soft sobs.

Instantly, the two were on high alert. They made their way to the small living room where they saw their friend curled up on the couch with the letter.

The two say next to her and said nothing. Bea continued crying as she curled into both of them as best she could, still clutching the letter to her chest.

Neither of them knew what to say. After all, what could they say?

Bea wiped away a tear as she whispered, "Thank you."

Bucky nodded and ran a hand up and down her back. "We're here for you, Bea."

Steve nodded. "Always."

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