Chapter 2: The "Special" Kids

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The library was just down the hall from the cafe. Michael was literally about to burst; he was so excited about Luke being at the same high school as him. Luke remained silent, because he was getting some looks and fingers pointed at him, and he didn't want to be the centre of gossip on his first day.

The library was comely; there were twelve rows of books, two computer stations, and several little tables set up near circulation. There was a Senior corner, where there were several different pamphlets and magazines on colleges. There was a meeting room with a water cooler inside, which was right next door. There was a reference section, where a group of bubbly freshman were giggling over something in one of the books, and there was a small presentation room, with several older pieces of technology. Luke gazed around, looking for anything that would catch his eye; he was an avid reader for band magazines, including Guns & Roses.

They were a God figure to Luke; he was incredibly bright, and was more intelligent than the entire police force of London combined. In the late hours of the summer, Luke could be found reading the first copy of the band , or watching one of the many documentary airings on Netflix. His farther never knew about this, of course; Father Hemmings was in a band, and one of the best, one of the many reasons why Luke was in to bands so much and his father was offered a position in Pasadena, for a much higher payout.

Michael elbowed Luke, pointing back to the reference corner. There sat Calum, going through a folder of some sorts. Michael dragged Luke over, throwing him into a seat.

"I'm gonna go grab my history homework," Michael announced, looking between the two Juniors. "Make conversation while I'm gone." He then proceeded to walk out of the library, but not before giving Luke a wink. Calum remained silent, not giving any attention. Luke pulled out his Literature binder, beginning to write a poem for that class. Calum looked up, watching as slanted cursive flew across the loose-leaf.

"You're actually doing homework?" The man questioned. Luke kept writing.

"Yeah, isn't that what this time is for?" Luke retorted. He wasn't a fan of Calum's attitude; he was rude, and hung out with a bad crowd. No manners, either.

"Well, I guess." Calum answered simply, and it was silent again. Several ideas flew through Luke's mind; how he should finish this poem about solving cold cases, why Michael was so intent on Luke and Calum communicating, what made Calum such an asshole, why did said asshole have to be so damn cute, why- "Hey, Luke,"Calum said, holding his schedule. Luke stopped writing and looked up. A grin was plastered to the volleyball player's face. "Your name is Lucas" He laughed, reading the top section on the piece of paper. Luke felt his face grow warm, and made a grab for his schedule, but Calum was too quick.

"Give it back." Luke spat through gritted teeth. Calum smirked, waving the paper around in the air.

"What's the matter, little Lucas, not one for games?" Calum teased, pinching the boy's cheeks. Luke felt blood rush to his face, clearly embarrassed. Calum chuckled, tossing the schedule back on the table. "You're no fun, kid."

Luke gave him a look. "I'm not a kid, I'm the same age as you." Calum pulled his phone out of his pocket, pulling up an app called 'Contacts'. "You have a phone, white bread?" He asked, starting a new page. Luke leaned back, his body cooling. "No. My dad won't let me have one." Calum looked up, astonished.

"Really? That's bulls**t. You're, like, sixteen, right? I got a phone when I was thirteen." Luke watched him play around the device, going on to different apps.

"My dad doesn't like the thought of me communicating with other kids outside of school. Thinks it'll ruin my brain." Luke scoffed, pulling out some Physics notes that needed to be finished.

Calum snorted. "Your dad sounds like a piece of f**king work." Luke looked up, a smile forming on his lips. "You don't know the half of it."

The two both let out a laugh, and silence crept back. Luke worked diligently, finishing up the notes in no time, with a little help from Calum. They made small talk, discussing classes, kids, and general gossip, supplied by Calum. Turns out, Calum was pretty good at Science, but weak in other subjects. He was incredibly popular, but stuck to his original group of friends for comedic relief. Girls flocked him, much for the same reason Luke had stared when he first saw him. But he was more than a hot piece of ass; he was genuinely hilarious, a good listener, and the more they talked the more Luke found him more than that asshole volleyball God that many out him out to be. Towards the end of the extended period, the topic had moved to girls.

Calum made a face when Luke brought up Aleisha, the girl who wanted to sit next to him in first period.

"Ugh, she's a bitch. I dated her last year, worst three f**king months of my life. Terrible in bed, too." Luke's eyes grew wide.

"You . . . SLEPT, with her?!" Luke gawked, and Calum sneered. "Yeah. Totally regret it. Probably have herpes from her sleazy ass." Luke let out a loud fit of laughs, Calum chuckling along, causing them to get shushed by the librarian.

Letting out a giggle, Luke turned his tone more serious. "So . . . was she your first?" Calum blushed, his voice turning to a whisper.

"Nope. A girl gave me a blowjob in ninth grade, I think she's gone now, don't even remember her name. Aleisha was like, my fourth? I've gotten around in my three years. Hate to say it, but I've probably had like, fifteen girlfriends from my first time. And tons before that. Hence my title, Pimp of Pasadena High." Luke stared in shock. Calum was a sleaze? It shouldn't of surprised him, but Luke didn't want to believe it. How could someone get around so easily?

Calum rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, turning the subject to Luke. "So, how many girls have you f**ked?" My guess is . . . not a virgin, but only four girlfriends." Calum leaned his elbows on the table, awaiting Luke's response.

"Uh, well . . . I've never had a relationship, because . . ." Luke started, but was stopped by a large force banging into the chair next to him.

"Relationship talk already, huh? You boys move fast." Michael giggled, readjusting himself in the chair next to Luke. He turned to Luke. "Luke, you're wanted in the Sped lab next period." Luke looked up at Michael, confused. "What's that?" He asked, looking between a chuckling Calum and a concerned Michael.

"That's where all the "special" kids go," Michael said, helping Luke pack up. "I'll show you where it is."
They arrived at a large classroom, where the Principal sat at the desk, along with several teachers. There were also some students, who had special lanyards around their necks, whom were trying to coax some younger-looking students to get up from the floor. Some were screaming out, others were just shaking their heads. Luke stared; he had never seen a sight like this before. Michael pulled him away, over to the Principal.

"This is Luke Hemmings, Mrs, Matte." Michael said politely to the lady at the desk. She just simply nodded, writing something down on the paper. "His mentor is Mr. Greyson. Show him, and then get to class." The lady pointed sternly at one of the male teachers, who was chatting with one of the "special" students. Michael nodded, pulling Luke over to the man.

"Mr. G, this is Luke." Michael said quickly. The man looked him over, then smiled.

"Thank you Michael." Mr. G said, and Michael left the room. Mr. G gestured to the door.

"Let's leave, it's too noisy in here to learn." He smiled, and showed Luke out of the room.

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