Chapter 5 (Part 1) : Mall Embrace

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Luke awoke to the smell of burning coffee and vodka. He sighed, pushing his covers down, rolling down to the floor. He heaved himself up, rubbing his eyes. Mornings were not his strong suit.

"LUKE!" He heard his father yell, and by the sound of it, he was a little tipsy. Not wanting to make a scene before asking to go out with his friends, he put on his black shirt with his blue check flannel along with his black ripped skinny jeans, and of course black vans. Luke glanced over at the clock, reading that it was almost nine. Just enough time to brush his teeth and eat before he had to get to Michael's house.

Luke pounded down the stairs, and was met by his dad, sitting in the living room, sipping coffee and watching the news. He didn't acknowledge Luke, so he popped a piece of bread in the toaster, setting the temperature for 'low'.

"What makes you so chipper?" His father grunted from under his cup. Luke straightened out, fixing his hair and clearing his throat.

"Good morning Father. I didn't think you had noticed me." The toast popped behind him, but Luke knew better than to turn his back. It was impolite in this household to turn your back on your elders.

"I notice everything you do. Including when you make calls." Luke felt his spine stiffen. How . . . ?

Father Hemmings rose from his seat on the couch, walking over to face his guilty son. "What is my rule about interacting with those who are younger?" He questioned, his hot, alcohol-stained breath present on Luke's cheek.

"I had to call someone to ask about a project. They want me to come over today to work on it. That's why I called, to learn what time. I'm sorry Father, it will never happen again." Luke lied straight through his teeth. He knew this was risky; if his father found out about him going out, all hell would break lose. But Luke stood his ground, staring up at his father with truth-muddled eyes.

His farther sighed. "Fine. But be back by five no later. You have to complete your work for English." Luke grimaced at the thought; he never wanted to face Mr. G ever again.

"Thank you Father."
The mall was very crowded, and bursting with new smells and sounds. There were several hundred people crowding the stores and lanes, trying to get the best deals for their holiday shopping. Kids were screaming, running around on the playsets, unsupervised, while younger couples swore at vendors trying to sell them some cheap, knock-off product. Luke and Michael wafted through the crowds, trying to find the rest of their friends. They had simply told them that they would meet them by Starbucks inside, but where was that? Michael tugged Luke further into the deathtrap. "C'mon Luke, they're probably already waiting for us . . ."

Luke had only one thing on his mind. Calum. He was remembering the embrace that he held him in, the warm breath sliding across his pale skin. Fingers tracing the small in his fragile structure, and at the moment, he wanted to reach up. On his toes, giving Calum a sweet kiss. Whisper words of love in his ear. Maybe one day, he won't just have to daydream about these things.

"Hey Luke!" 

Calum and Ben approached the two boys, arms extended. Michael ran to them, falling into a quick 'bro hug'. Luke hung back, unsure of what to do. Ben and Michael laughed together, mentioning something about going to the video game store. Soon enough, Calum and Luke were left alone in the crowded mall. Their third wheel of science wrapped itself around their shoulders yet again.

"So, uh, what do you do in the mall?" Luke shuffled his feet awkwardly. He had never hung out with someone outside of school before.

"Well, what I usually do is go woman searching, stir s**t up, and just be a total douche," A smirk crept up on to Calum's lips. He held out a hand to Luke. "Would you care to join me?" Luke blushed, nodding as he took Calum's hand, and followed him through the mall.
"WATCH OUT F**KERS!" Calum yelled as he jumped over the railing of the stairs, landing on his feet on the second floor of the mall. Luke leaned over the edge, a little afraid to jump. Many people cursed at the duo, but said nothing. From behind him, Luke heard someone try and contact one of the few mall cops on duty.

"Calum, they're trying to call someone!" Luke cried downwards, Calum held his arms out. 

"Jump! I'll catch you!" Calum yelled. Luke felt himself blush, but swung himself around so he was on the outer edge. He heard some older women yell for him to stop, but Luke felt he could trust Calum. Just as he heard someone call over the mall cop . . .

Luke jumped.

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