I Am Just Showing You Some Apprecaition Chapter 28

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I was going to enjoy the next several weeks off trailing after Helen around the Villa. I could play out  my little fantasy of her being my devoted house wife, watching her cook and clean and fuss over my brass buttons not looking shiny enough with me as her doting husband just peering and admiring her from afar. Well thay was the plan. Unfortunately Schindler was playing the Spy role which ruined the first fews days of my plans. He didnt leave until most 8am and was back by 6pm for supper. He knew full well my office hours can start as early as 6am and that some nights I was so laden down with work I was still scribbling away until midnight. It was my Camp and there was always something a Commander needed to be doing. But not Schindler, oh no. He came back for his lunch then popped round randomly in the middle of the afternoon making up some bull shit story He had forgotten something or that he needed to ask me a few things and the cheeky fuck even came home early o the odd occasion! I told him in short sharp words one lunch time that he was running my Camp into the ground. All he did was laugh and said I was running my self unto the ground and I was  going to drop dead from work exhaustion. To which I wittily replied that was an honest way to die. But the bastard got one over on me and said when I did snuff it he would put in for my job role and convert the Camp to a 5 day working week with half day Wednesdays. That nearly saw me off.

At the end of the first week he was still coming home at random intervals and jjst when I had had enough of his half arsed attempt at running my Camp I decided to ha e it out with him. I went storiming up to the guest suite to speak with him but then I heard voices. A woman's voice. That's sneaky bastard WAS trying to cadjary my Helen! How dare that snake lure my precious Eve into his garden of sin! I would dam him to the pits of Hell myself! But just before I made my grand enterance to pulvarise him I caught a glimpse of their conversation and just stood quietly to listen further.

"Helen all I am saying is I do worry about your welfare especially since you tried to kill yourself. Has he been handsy with you whislt I am away? He knows if he lays a finger on you  I have my gun at the ready." Schindler whispered in a worrisome tone.

"Herr Schindler please I am very well. I am more than capable of working under his rule. I have done for quite some time now. I can handle Herr Goeth." Helen said firmly.

Although I couldn't see her face I could just imagine how she would be standing right now, with her straight back and her face hard and her hair wild with a hard set counternace and her eyes boring into him as that simmering temper began to surface and her eyes glowed amber tones with that fire she tried to subdue. God she made my hear pound and my cock stiffen so!

I quietly tip toes down the stairs and out into the yard to take Ralph out for an evening walk. The poor bugger had been going to work with Schindler every day and always came back limp eyed and depressed. I'm not surprised though, Schindler didn't let him run free around the Camp the way I did and he was still missing his brother Rolf,  my other furry friend who was still in the Vets. He was still having a hard time adjusting to this typical domestic dog life. I took him out onto the back meadows that stretched for Miles and just let him run free to catch what ever the fuck he could scent out in the darkness as I lit up a cigarette and strolled round the grassy knolls, pulling up long grassland and plaiting them as Helen had done as few times during the summer to make fairy crowns. I laughed at the little memory of her placing them round my faithful hounds n3ck adornrend with daisys and blue eyd susies and wreath leaves making them look like sissy show dogs. God she was so incredible. God she really consumed and intertwined with every emotion she had made me feel. A few memories of her fluttered through my mind but this last one, was really up there and after hearing her confidence to Schindlers answer I knew she was the only woman for me. 

Oh Helen! You have made me so very happy! Nobody has ever complimented me in such a way! I have had so many women try to glamour me with their sultry talks  of my amazing physice, my adonis like face, my powerful position and how gorgeous I looked in my uniform. Not to mention my unsatiable sexual prowess and sexual stamina. They all left limping with gozzy eyes and a delerious smile but my Helen had never uttered such flatterey to me; possibly because she had never exerted or experienced any of those things I possessed but it was because she was just her. She said she could handle me, I can't even handle my fucking self but she could and would and does and did. Oh Helen you really are my true love! No woman has ever been able to handle me, but my Helen on the other hand said those very words! Nothing in this world was more true or right or admirable.  I all most shed a tear of joy before realsing I the moon was up high and I had clearly been out longer than expected.

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