He Was A Beauty But Now He Is A Beast Chapter 30

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Schindler had left for the week to go and visot Emilie at her sisters house the day before I started back at work. I was going to miss that son of a bitch, I complained to him daily and he did to me, but we laughed a lot, enjoyed our evening drinking session amd card games and I was going to miss my friend dearly. When I helped finally pack up his Van amd car we hugged like to brothers.

"Amon my  old friend Thank you for everything. You really are a great man. And your commrades are simply experts, it has been a pleasure to take on your role. Even if it was only a short while. But I want to say thank you for opening up your home to me." He said with his fatherly eyes as his hand tapped my shoulder fondly.

I came over all queer with an emotional oddity, I wanted to hug him again.But that soon changed when he hugged Helen with such ferocity he lifted her right off the ground and she giggled. When he kissed her cheek and said good bye he brought back some emotion I was very much familiar with. Anger and jealousy.

I was back at work, head of the table with my uniform starched, pressed and ironed, my hair immaculate and my face so clean shaven I could have carved glass with the edge of my manly jaw. My shoes had been shined by Helen so much I cpuld see my fave in them. And by God what a face I have. I forgot how devilishly handsome I was in my uniform as I posed in my mirror this morning. Even Helen had gave me a small smile and bow and wished me a good day as I left for my first day back and I was not ashamed to admit it, it gave me a real ego boost.

I sat surrounded by my adoring Army leagues whom welcomed me with open arms and endless handshhakes amd even a bottle of Germanys finest burboun and some fine Cuban cigars as a welcome back. Schindler had made a good second leader but as my fellow commrades said, 'nobody does it like Herr Goeth.' It took so long for my fans to settle down it was gone ten before I could resume my position in my office. And my God did I have splendid news about our triumph over seas. 

I finalised the minutes of  Germanys many victories in the path towards winning the War. After a gruelling  few weeks of success I delighted in listening to a succesion of applauding, whistles and cheers. London was bombed out, Liverpool was no more. Englands armies and RAFs where out numbered by us Gerrys and now without their most prestigious Northern Port and their Capital in ruins they had no chance of being able to regroup themselves in time for our take over. We were winning. Well almost, the Yanks had  a treaty with Englnad to be their allies and provide them with a vast mitary force that could easily take my Country down but I had to rema9in positive, there was a rather large pond between them and Englnad and we already had the upper hand of knowing their tactics. Numbers may be their special force but t8ne wasn't and I like to keep to a strict schedule. My boys naturally become a riotous bunch and there was alot of jumping around and jostling and throwing of caps and a few other boisterous activity. Boys will be boys. I smiled at what evolved before me as I poured myself a Bourbon top into my black coffee and watched the frivolous behaviour of my superior force enjoy their moment. Ah, I really have missed this.

Naturally there was alot of bickering to see who would escort me round my fine camp to show what had progressed since my unfortunate illness and rather than let anybody down I decided on a full handover and invade the whole horede along with me. It had been so long since I had let off some steam that didn't involve my Helen is some of pervert style that at first I felt like the new boy as I entered the Timber Mill which was now completed, working at full speed and chiring out some fine work and craftsmanship by the vermon labarourers.  Then I was shown to the Hospital clinic which finally had a roof and was fitted with the best and most modern equipment curtesy of a few favours Schindler had pulled of course. Then there was a small Chapelin being finalised for anybody who had a soul on site, not one of my favourite new buildings but o e mist cater for the masses. The pavements had been layer in cobbles  and flag stones and cemented well and a rather lovely touch of scattered notice boards and maps had been put up for any new comers and scheduled building workers. Now there was no excuse for any lazy Jews to say they had lost their way to the next working phase. 

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