The New Kitchen Chapter 35

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A woman's place is the kitchen and Helen was no different. Since that little mishap with Froline Sophia and then the accumulation of having to work and them to attend my duties at the Embassy I had unfortunately neglected to open my purse strings to the woman who made my house a home. Had she been any other woman but Helen she would have blatantly refused to cook in such a mess until I had purchased a new kitchen. Helen was Helen and simply adapted quickly to working in such a disorganised environment. So much so that she had placed bright checkered fabrics over the broken cupboard doors and had taken to putting up flower picture prints from magazines to cover the holes in the walls. Stupidly I let her patch up and just thought I would get around to calling Schindler for a whole new design when I had time to spare.

Unfortunately for me though it took Helen nearly being decapitated by a loose upper cupboard door for me to act upon it. When it happened I may have gotten myself a little heated and smashed the door with my boots until it was nothing but wooden shards and splinters. Then I spat at it and kicked it all over the kitchen. Helen just stood back and watched me and when I looked up at her she looked solemn and immobile, my sudden rage never affected her.

I stood there breathing hard and growling out profanities at this shit show of a kitchen whilst Helen began cleaning up the debris like nothing had happened.

Get up, Helen." I warned

She did so instantly and just stared past me awaiting further instruction, completely lifeless.

I then proceeded to boot amd stamp on the already broken cupboard door with a ferocity until it was nothing but sawdust in the end. It really had gotten to me. I turned to look at Helen who was staring past me still with the brush and shovel in her hand. I grabbed it from her and launched it against the wall

"A door has just early killed you and you  stand there idly and then begin to clean it up like nothing has happend!  For fucks sake Helen what is wrong with you?!" I say waving my arms like a crazy person.

"I am a Jewess Herr Goeth. That is the problem. I am the problem and my people are the problem." She said without an ounce of sarcastic measure.

I looked at her, totally appauled that she referred to herself as the problem. Amd even a Jewess.for thay matter. She was my Helen.

" Helen you are not the problem. I am the problem." I say shaking my head and sitting down on a three legged chair held together with string and insulation tape.

Her eyes aalmost publed in size at my admission.

"I can be so idle and stupid sometimes. For God's sake  I left you  with a a loaded gun and two Hell Hounds whilat I was at the Embassy incase something should happen in my absence from any outsiders when all along I should have wrapped you up in cotton wool to save you from this dump of a  Villa I asked you to stay in for your own protection. The bloody irony." I muttered to myself more than her.

She didn't say anything.

A few minutes past as I inwardly scolded myself.for being such an idiot. This bloody kitchen was one disaster after another. It's just a shame it took Helen nearly being killed for me to register I was being tight and needed to sort this out.

 "Herr Goeth......may I sweep the floor now?" She asked lightly.

 I glowered at her.

 "No Helen you.may not. Infact I want you to send for Lief and tell him to ready the horse and cart and start ripping out this War zone. You and I are going out." I say firmly.

And now I find myself in one of Schindlers many warehouses on the outskirts of town surrounded by a hoard, wait no, a thriving nest of breathing parasites. It was really quite sickening to see them all looking healthy and happy. Schindler really must have a heart or be insane because there is no way in Hell I would allow my workers to do only a 10-hour shift and to still be complimented with two breaks and refreshments. The man was either a Saint or a complete idiot. But still, he made a hefty profit from them so he was doing something right.

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