A Few Words From Schindler Chapter 38

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I didn't go back to Amon's Villa as planned. He was a total mess. He bore through the last several days on his neverves of steel by day and sobbed to me full of brandy by night. I couldn't say ai was much better tohugh, I was jjst becoming more with drawn and quiet. Amon certainly appreciated this touch and was clearly comforted by me, just standing lime a pillar as I held him like a brother. He was my best friend after all and though he and I could be as distant as day and night where completed each other in a way that settled the equilibrim of the Universe and it had always been so. I stood by him through all his deeds, and he had my back through all of mine. And this time was no different. Amon was a lot of things, a lot more bad than good, but I knew him better than he knew himself, and I knew no matter what we would come through together or not at all. Dead or alive, it didn't matter, we where eonly going to be one or the other, but most importantly, it would be as a team.

I watched Amon as he sprung out of the car the afternoon we returned again from the Embassy and stamped his way into the Villa as a tentive looking Helen stood pale and ghostly at the door as he dragged her inside without a back ward glance. I had my misgivings about his treatment of the poor thing, but I knew today of all days he wouldn't do anything to harm her. She was all he had to hope for, and besides myself as his wingman, he was desperately alone. We where both fucked. Him more so than me. He had a reason to strive to survive now he had found a true love and I was beyond exillirated for him to know such a thing. Deep down he needed her, she was his redemption.

I on thw othwr hand have loved, have been loved and would aleays love becuase thats who ai am. I cannot help myself. Life is too full and giving and tempting and I basked in its serentiy of social circles and beautiful woman and money. Yes it is shallow and having a wife makes it immoral but I was not cruel nor was I callus or vindictive. I would help my old friend as much as I could and I alwyas keep a promise. And I already had a plan.

Amons birthday was fast approaching and we both needed out spirits lifting so what better way than to arrange a weekend in Paris? Amon and I had often flocked their over the years to a neat little pleasure haunt amazingly dishuised as a Theatre House and Bar. Le Noir Luna. It eas quite classy considering it was essentially a brothel. All the girls put on a show, they would sing and dance, do a few plays, tend bar , play cards and take pleausre to your cock. Even if you didn't want your end away they served food and some of the ladies would sit and converse and basically entertain us all with witty stories and comedy taunts. Whatever you wanted they had it all.

There eas an array of woman for all men and I .ean an array, a total catalogue of every man's desires. Some more subtle and classic others more perverse and secular. But the biggest sellers for most where the down right filthy and debauched. What ever a man's tast Le Noir Luna catered for all and it held no scruples or discrimination for all walks of life entered that place and all where welcomed as equals, from the old one legged blind man to the richest most elite youngster. Nobody was left out. Its not the kind of place you take your mother to or even to yout closest friends about. It was the world's worst kept secret of its illegal dwellings and dealings. EVERYBODY knew it tohught not all acknowledged its presence amo.gst the hospitality pages.

Le Noir Luna was notorious for all kinds of things but one more and most famous of all. Her name was Le Petiite Marie Je Belle. Her real name of course was lost.over time. She had been a child prostitute who's Grandmother had owned the place originally whislt her mother worked as her best girl. As time past her mother became the Madame whislt Marie Belle was her best girl. That was when Amon and I had met her. She wass alot younger than us even in our more yourhful days but my God that girl had a womans figure, a sailors course mouth and a whores cunt. And she used all three to her advantage. It was only up until a few years back that Marie Belle then owned and starred in her own house having never mothered any illegitimate bastards of her own. She was at her prime of entertainment just as Amon and I had parted to set off on our own adventures but we always managed to meet up for a sordid weekend several times a year. Even then she was booked up for months at a time and the ques to get into where staggering even for her normal working girls and what ever the event eas for any day of the week. However for the right price the richest and most elite could delve into the lower lair where Marie Belle was always the star. I couldn't fuxking wait!

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