Women Love Silk Stockings and Chocolates But She Isn't Just Any Woman Chapter 29

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Schindler had finally gotten it through to his thick skull Helen was safe with me again. Though at first he remained persistent talking to her in the late evening in the guest room with a stupid fucking lies about how he needed his shirts starched or his socks pairing. Every evening I waited with baited breathe just incase she ever let slip I had been stalking her. But still she did not rat me put to Schindler. She was quite the little fire ball and she knew full well she held a power over me.The little minx!

It was the same rigmarole as usual, I left the two of them alone in the kitchen telling them I was having an early night which I was.They didn't come up for two bloody hours though which ment I had to keep sneaking back into my room and then the airingcupboard and them back again on several occasions to wait for the moment when they would have their secret talks about my behaviour and I coukld sneak out of the blasted cupboard to listen in. I had taken to locking my bedroom door incase they did try to enter and makr sure I was in there becuase Schindler wasnt stupid , I wasn't stupid either though. One nil to Amon. They thought I was sleeping off the evenings gin intake, which I sort of was, everybody knows I like a little tipple before bed it was always a great excuse for me to leave handy for my evening adventures. And last night was no different.

I took my usual position outside the door and tried not to breathe. It was getting quite boring however, the same bloody things being asked and replied but tonight turned out to be different. Tonight Helen was tired of Schindlers meddling too.

"Schindler you worry over nothing, Herr Goeth has gave me no trouble, I promise you. But what  worries me is how you are running his Camp. It aggrevates him so and he is so unstable at the best of times. So please run the Camp as he has. If anything Herr Schindler you not doing his Commandor role will eventually have him firing out on the Camps inhabitants. He has done far worse with far less.motivation. I have seen it first hand as you well know and I fear that more than anything." Helen pleaded.

"Helen do not worry about such affairs it's between me and Amon and he knows that I run the Camp well, it's not his way I am aware but he would never just leave anybody in charge. Yes he was a bit weary of me taking his role but even he knows deep down that I am more than capable of doing the job." He sated her with his warm tone.

Why didnt I have a warm and calming tone? Was it a natural part of a person? Or was it just well practiced?

"I am more than aware you are capable of looking after the Camp Herr Schindler and me too." Helen replied softly.

Ok I didn't like where this was going.

"He has not.layed his hands on me. He fears you. He knows that your intentions to pull the trigger twice are not just a mere warning but a promise. I do not want to be the person that causes such a situation between best friends Herr Schindler. I am his maid, his Jewess as he likes to point out so often. And that's all I am to him." She stated firmly.

Oh how bloody wrong you are Helen! So bloody wrong!

"And thays the problem right there Helen. He has never loved anything or anybody before you came along. You make him vunerable and he cannot cope with that. You have been the lightness that he needed in his dark lfe and I have seen the way he looks at you. You brought out something in my best friend that I could never do even after 20 years of knowing the man .You are his miracle. You may know how to handle him but he cant handle you." Schindler sighed heavily.

"THEN Herr Schindler let me be his miracle and get on with it. I am going know where any time soon, well unless the war ends now. It is proclaimed on the wirless that Germany is winning. And if it does I shall be no more." She said sadly.

"And you really think he doesn't have plans for you if thay happens?" He queried to her.

"He....He.....II ..I I I.welllll...hhhe said that when th..the ....times comes he will deal with mre personally. I just assume that means he will do it himself, kill me quickly I hope....." She stuttered out a response.

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