An Offer I May Not Have The Choice To Refuse Chapter 36

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I once again found myself back at the Embassy by order of Hilter with Schindler in tow. It had been several weeks since our last summance, and God only knows why this was called so urgently.

Poor Helen only had an hour to pack my suit case and hold all, and the poor thing burned herself twice on the starching iron in a haste to have my two best suits readied. How she also found the time to polish my dress shoes with two minutes to spare was also a remarkable feat. But that was my Helen. Always attentive and always on form and always in work mode.
I had tried to pull her in for a cuddle as she packed my suit case on the bed, but she pushed me away.

" Herr Goeth, I must make your items readied in time." She told me with a blunt tone as she kept her back to me.

I stroked her hair and placed my hands around her shoulders and settled for a cuddle from behind to which my cock lead such intamaices. He was so eager he was rock hard and ready for action before I had even ground into her backside.

" Oh Helen, I think this Lady doth protest too much. You talk to me as though this is a duty but you still do it with such care and prescision. Dare I say it but I think underneath all this blank faced facade is a heart that beats only to satisfy me." I said with a soft sigh.

It was wishful thinking of course. She completly ignored me so I took delight in watching her move swiftly around the bedroom in her light footed fashion. She swayed so rhythmically that one would think she was making slow and tenuous love to the air around her.

God these new few days will be difficult without her. Being here the first time was quite traumatic enough but I had leanred from my mistakes. Her saftey was paramount to me this time I had decided to lock her inside the Villa.

Now I know it sound a little unorthadox bit as I see it any persons leaving their valuables unattended goes to any length to make sure they are protected. As she is my most treassured and beloved possession all was within perfect reason. I just did'nt want anything to happen to her and knowing she couldn't physically leave the Villa settled my mind complety.

Obviously she had a few things to say on the matter. Well alot of things actually. Very well expressed thoughts as such. Alot of swearing involved. The odd slap to my cheek and spitting on the floor yelling in Yiddish and Polish.she told me she would rather die than be chained up. That hurt alot actually. Then there was her attempt to run past me as she screamed blue murder to escape out the front door.

In the end I had to carry her over my shoulder whislt she kicked and screamed all the way down to the cellar but I was gentle with it. Her passionate state arouses the beast within me so I had to view her in a fantastical manner. Whislt she berated me with such heat and spite and her dark eyes glowed ember and wild and vivacious I turned her insults into a day dream plea. To disengage myself from my unconventional display of possessing her I imagined she was screaming and begging me not to leave her becuase she too much and couldnt bare to be seperated from me. It worked a treat because it allowed my beasts to calm down. I only spoke to her in soft tones and a loving manner. Even when she punched me in the throat as I placed her on her little camp bed I held her close amd let her rage her beating fists on my back as she sobbed into my neck whislt I her kissed her wet cheeks amd stroked her hair and back.

But my Helen was a fighter. A survivor. She didn't let up her beating of me. Things got a little more...complicated. I ended up tying her to the bed and using chloroform to sedate her. But at least she was safe now and calm and settled. I wasn't leaving her locked up in a dungeon or squalor. She wasn't a prisoner. Lief had a key to the back door and was under strict instructions to obly let her put to walk the dogs several times a day and of course her meals wpuld be delivered by her three times a day. To ensure he would not break his oath to me I had to be a little drastic of course and show how serious I was. I may have gotten a little passionate to be fair. You know, roughed him up a little, split his lip...broke his nose...shot two of the other stable boys....but I digress. The point being Helen would be looked after and her saftey would be ensured.

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