An Invitation To Paris and The Passion it Arouses Chapter 39

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"Oh, so you are staying in Paris, then. You old rogue! Well, I can't say I am surprised. I'm sure there are still a few maidens untouched by your philandering. Are the orphanages not filled with enough of your bastards?" I laughed callously down the phone to Schindler.

He gave me a laugh back but then a rather tight remark, but all was in jest as always. We'll sort of, I men I was a little heavy with the innuendos but I did remind Schindler thaycthey were actually facts hidden well in humouryears. He didn't agree with me on the latter, however.

"So you are inviting me to my own suprise party then Schindler? Hmmmmm....not.much of a suprise, then is it? ......oh yes.....hmmmmm..oh you old goat I knew thays what you were up to! .....But come on Schindler that can't only be it............What's the real suprise going to be, eh? Do I have a few bastards running around Moulin Rouge, too?"

I held the phone away from ear as he blasted something uncouth.

God, I am so funny, I practically wet myself laughing. The phone called commenced with me jibing at his expense and him pretending to be annoyed at me. He is such a good old sport.

After a few details , I jotted down for my suprise, but it was not a suprise birthday weekend in Paris. I left the old goat with a few more repugnant comments, and that was settled. Well, it had to be as he basically slammed the phone down on me.

I, however, was unaffected by his silly seriousness and typical business like.matter.of.orhanising something as this because.....I was going to Paris for my birthday!

It's been a while of.course, I hope I was able to get a few new suits for the occasion and seeing as my best man was out of the country I may actually have to shop for myself. I would have normally donned my full uniform, but I wanted to relax a little, unwind, and feel young and my old self again. Paris did that for me. Not to mention I hadn't had a good orgy weekend since the whole German invasion of Paris.....then there was the establishments of Ghettos of course....and a few other minor changes that served to detter us good Arryans from spending our time in some Paris pussy. But, leave it to my best friend to sort that little detail and voila, I would be spending my money on many Parisian pussy.

Only there was a problem. Whislt S.S. Commander Amon Leopold Goeth hardened instantly at the idea of reliving the old days of sex, drugs and debauchery the new Amon, the one with human feelings was rather, muted by the idea.

That was of course all Helens fault as usual. Had she never entered then I would still be the un feeling yet lovable Demonic Commander every body knew and feared. This phone call would be as it should be. I should be dancing around the kitchen with my records at full pelt, drinking a nice aged red wine whilst scribbling down all the things I needed to do before hand. Mainly getting a bag together of condoms, good cologne and shirts and trousers I didn't mind having ripped or ruined with lipstick and split champagne.

But oh no. Not any more because this Amon had feelings. He had alot.of feelings. Feelings like guilt and love and respect! Respect I ask you?! Every day I woke up and looked upon my Jewess face and there it was, another fucking emotion. And tonight was no different. I only had to look at her face across the island counter and the thought of me touching another woman after declaring my unstable yet loving devotion for her this emotion jjst lands right into my heart. Respect. I wanted to respect her becuase I loved her. I didn't want to fuck Parsian pussy I jjst wanted to fuck my Jewess out of RESPECT! Fucking Respect!

mean, what is having respect for somebody?! And a bloody Jewess at that! angry and vunrebal all the time! She should be showing me.some fucking respect now she has essentially.made.human in a God's body.

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