3: Watson's Case

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3rd person pov:

As police investigate the crime scene of a murdered prostitute. One officer stands at the entrance of the alleyway. The officer is trying to keep the press, and public out of the way. As any evidence could be destroyed or stolen. Though the officer tries his best. One man is able to slip past him.

The man is dressed up in his best attire, and a top hat to compliment his look further.  With a tip of his hat and a small bow. He greets the other officers.

Enji Watson:" Greetings men. How have you been on such a lovely day like this?"

The chief of Scotland yard approaches enji.

Chief Aizawa:"Doing better than this poor soul."

Enji:"What happened?"

Aizawa:"Nothing you need to be concerned with. It's just another dead lady of the night. We can handle the case."

Enji takes a quick glance, and sees something strange about the body.

Enji:"If you decide to change your mind. You know where to find us."

Enji puts his hat back on and begins to walk away. Right as he is about to exit the alley. A woman runs up to the officer.

Ururaka:"Please help sir. There was a fight at the pub, and a man was taken by men with gold watch chains.

Enji:"What did he look like?"

"Oh Watson it's you. Thank the heavens above."

"Let me guess. Hawks is in trouble again?"

Ururaka nods, causing enji to sigh before following her.

"I can't have him dying on me just yet. We may have found another big case to solve."

Meanwhile Hawks wakes up with a throbbing headache. Unable to see, move, or speak. Hawks begins to analyze his situation.

*sniff sniff*

^There's a heavy sent of coal ash in the air.^

*cr- creeek- kee-eek*

^ropes bind my limbs to an old wooden chair, and a rag has me gagged. Arms bound wrist to opposite elbow. Which means this isn't the first time they've done this to someone. However between my arms is a bar of the backing of the chair. So there's still a way out.^

Footsteps crunch in the dirt, and gravel.

Shigaraki:"Time to wake up detective dickhead.^

The chair is tilted by shigaraki grabbing Hawks by his throat.

Hawks^This isn't my first either. So let's play bossman.^

Hawks moans out as if he's enjoying this. For a moment it catches shigaraki off guard. With tiny wrist movements. Hawks begins his escape plan. He also wraps each foot around the legs of the chair.

Hawks^based off the footsteps. I estimate two guards with him, and another who's never left my side. ^

Shigaraki:"You sick creep. I'll enjoy killing you for what you've done."

I manage to shake off the rag to speak.

^I mind in disbelief is easy and electable to taunts.^ "it's kinky, not creepy get it right vanilla."

Shigaraki's grip tightens around his neck.

"Ah~ not so hard.... daddy~ Heheheh-ACK!"

*CRA-ACK Thump.*

Shigaraki pushes Hawks over. Causing him to crash on his side, and onto the floor. Shigaraki walks away and his men look at him. Leaving no one watching hawks.

Shigaraki:"You two, tie him to some bricks and drop him in the river."

Hawks:"Only two? That's no fun. I thought you were smarter than that."

Shigaraki turns to face him. Only to be surprised to see the chair is broken and hawks isn't there.

Shigaraki:"Where is he? Hurry up and find that rat basterd!"

*fee hoo*

A whistle comes from above them. So right as Shigaraki looks up. He's pinned down, because Hawks jumps on him.

The two guards ready to attack.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you.  That is unless you want your boss to get hurt.

With a piece of the broken chair. Hawks holds the stake to Shigaraki's neck.

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