43: Last Dance

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3rd person pov:

Hawks takes Dabi's hand.

Hawks bows before looking back at enji, winking to Signal to Watson that they'll talk later.

As Hawks and dabi step onto the ballroom floor. O holy night begins to play. The live performance starts off low and slow. Dabi begins to lead them in a waltz. Eyes looking in a desperate attempt to act like student and teacher. All awhile feeling the gaze of a hungry beast looking at them.

Hawks:"Something happened that I need to tell you. While you were away. I was left alone with him. Now time is missing from my memory...... I, I think he-"

As the song begins to pick up in rhythm. So , do their movements.

Dabi lifts an arm for hawks to twirl under. Before dabi bends him back. Moving close enough to almost kiss. As dabi bends forward over Hawks.

Dabi:"Relax. Everything is going as planned. Now let's sell this performance."

Dabi pulls Hawks up to lift him above like an ice skater spun.

While being up high. Hawks feels the wind as if he was flying. Imagining himself flying above the city like a bird would. Hawks flips off after launching himself from Dabi's shoulders. Spinning in the air just before sticking a pose on one leg with arms out to his sides. Sherlock then moves to strike at dabi. Only for Dabi's arm to cross his Hawks like a block. The song begins to slow once more. So both circle around while arms are still locked together. A twirl from both is then done. Just as both face one another.  Their other arms lock to block. Before they pull away from one another. Just as they were about to separate. Hawks interlocks his fingers with Dabi's.  Pulling them back together to hold hands. Hawks looks down, and tears drip onto the floor.

Hawks:"I don't want midnight to come. I just want us to stay like this forever."

Dabi takes his free hand to grasp Hawks chin. Tilting his gaze up to meet Dabi's.

Dabi:"I'm sorry it came to this. Please forgive me pup. You must forget about me."

Dabi wipes the tears away with a swift rub from his thumb.

Dabi:"Merry Christmas, sherlock."

Hawks:"Merry c-"

*Ding ding ding ding,ding ding ding ding..........DING!*

HAWKS:"Please hold me until the bells stop. Let my last moments be in your embrace."


Dabi:"Of course."

as dabi and hawks slowly waltz in a tight embrace. Enji notices that almost everyone that was at the ball has left. Now, only dabi and hawks stand alone as the final bells begin to ring out.


Aizawa walks in with tamaki holding an unconscious mirio.


Hawks moves off of Dabi's chest.

Hawks:"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me teach. Please excuse me."

As Hawks runs past Moriarty to head to the restroom. Enji grabs dabi by the collar of his shirt.

Enji:"Okay, vamp. Tell me what the hell is going on, or you'll be met with a stake threw your God damn chest."

Dabi smiles with wide eyes. His head tilts slightly up to look down at enji.

Dabi:"Nothing much. He's just a key to my freedom."

Enji:"You son of a-"
With a twirl. Dabi gets behind enji and chops the back of his neck to knock him out.

Dabi:"How's this one for an appetizer, master?"

Dabi bows to moriarty. While aizawa follows Hawks into the watercloset.

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