Chapter 10

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Lucy POV

⚠️Trigger warning: mention of violence.⚠️

When Mike and I walked back into the kitchen, he pulled me into a hug.

“Are you okay?” he asked me, rubbing my back soothingly.

“Shocked.” I mumbled.

Shocked wasn’t really a good word to describe what I was feeling. But I didn’t really know how to describe what was going on inside my head and body. Half of my thoughts can’t even be said out loud. I was confused. Sad. Happy. Angry. Worried. Scared. Excited. You name an emotion and I have it.

I was terrified of Jack. I knew he wouldn’t let me go. What will he do when he finds out about my brothers? What will happen to me when I go home today?

Mike let me go and cupped my face. “I will be a phone call away, Lucy. You can always call me if you need anything.”

I placed my hands on top of his and smiled. “I know, Mike. Thank you.”

I wonder if I will be moving at all. I’m sure that Jack will think of a way to keep me with him. Will he take me away in the middle of the night? Will he hit me so hard tonight that I will just collapse and never wake up? I don’t know. But I do know that he will not go down without a fight.

The problem is that, legally, he can’t keep me. So he will have to do something illegal.

Should I tell my brothers? What if he hurts them? What if they find out about the abuse?


I can’t tell them. I won’t tell them. I will find a way to survive and stay in town until Liam gets custody of me.

I don’t have any other options.

I can’t give up. I want to be with my brothers. I need to be with them.

Being in the arms of Theo and Noah was the best thing that had happened to me since I was 6 years old. Sure, I was in pain the whole time, but my heart grew double in size from all the love and warmth that radiated from my triplets.

How can I give that up?

Simple, I can’t.

“Lucy!” I heard Mike’s voice.

“I’m sorry.” I mumbled, confused. “Did you say something?”

“Your lack of attention lately worries me.” Mike frowned. “Is everything okay?”

I raised my eyebrow at him. “I just found out that my own mother kidnapped me and took me away from my family.”

“I know.” Mike rolled his eyes. “But you have been distracted like this for days now. I’m asking you again, is everything okay? Is it Jack?”

I tensed up and gulped. “Everything is fine. Jack is being Jack. He is either drunk or asleep.”

Mike frowned.  “Okay. But you would tell me if anything happened, right?”

My heart clenched painfully. Mike is my friend. I’ve known him for years, and we have been working together for the past year. He really is my best friend, and I can tell him anything.

Anything but that. I can’t tell that to anyone.

“Of course, Mike.” I lied. “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”

I smiled at him while he looked at me suspiciously. After a few moments, he dropped his gaze and nodded.

“Okay.” he said, running his hand through his hair. “I believe you, Lulu. But if anything does happen, you can always come to me.”

“I know that, Mike.” I said and wrapped my arms around his torso.

He pulled me into a hug and rested his head on top of mine.

We stayed like that until we heard the door to the diner open.

I stepped away from him, grabbed the coffee pot, and walked outside. I could feel my brothers’ gazes on me.

The day went by faster than I wanted it to. I was dreading the moment I would walk into my house.

My day consisted of working and sitting between Theo and Noah with their arms wrapped around me. Honestly, I never wanted to leave.

But I had to.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the diner through the back door. My brothers were waiting for me.

“I guess I will see you tomorrow.” I said with a small smile as I approached them.

“What?!” Theo yelled, his eyes widening.

“She has to go to Jack’s house, Theo.” Liam said sympathetically. “Technically, he is still her legal guardian. We can’t take her with us yet.”

Theo’s breathing picked up, and he grabbed me, wrapping his arms around me. I could feel his heartbeat going a mile a minute.

“No!” he yelled. “She is coming back with me!”

“Theo…” Liam said softly as he tried to move Theo away from me.

That only made him angrier. He squeezed me tighter and moved me out of Liam’s reach. My ribs screamed in pain.

“Theo, look at me.” I said, trying to breathe through the pain.

He looked down at me and I saw panic written all over his face.

“You will see me tomorrow.” I said softly. “I promise. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m scared.” Theo mumbled so only I could hear.

“I know.” I said. “But there is nothing to be scared of. I will be here tomorrow at 7 am. We will spend the entire day together. You are going to tell me all the stupid stuff Noah did over the years. I have a lot to catch up on.”

“Hey.” Noah protested.

I turned my head so I could look at him and gave him a small smile. He walked over to us and pulled me from Theo’s arms. He wrapped his hands around me and kissed the top of my head.

“I will see you tomorrow.” Noah mumbled.

“Sure.” I said with a small smile.

Liam and Ezra hugged me as well before Theo wrapped his arms around me again.

“Do you need a ride home?” Liam asked.

“No, it’s okay.” I said with a small smile. “I love walking home. It’s not that far.”

I said that because I didn’t want Jack to see them. I can’t let him hurt them. Honestly, I could use a ride home. My ribs were killing me, and I knew that walking would only make it worse. But the pain of seeing them hurt would be much bigger than the pain in my ribs. I’ve been through worse.

After a few minutes, Liam finally managed to get Theo away from me and I started walking home.

I was terrified the whole time. Does Jack know?

My question was answered when I entered the house, and a fist flew into my already bruised ribs.

“Brothers, ha?” Jack said mockingly. “You think you can get away from me, you little bitch!”

I do. I will get away from you.

Jack grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head up so I would look at him.

“You will never get rid of me.” he said, his alcoholic breath fanning my face, making my stomach twist and turn. “I will fight them and keep you. You belong with me.”

“No, I don’t.” I said quietly, surprising myself.

Where did I find the courage to say that?

Jack smirked and slammed my head against the cold tiles.

Everything went black.

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