Chapter 16

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Lucy POV

Today is the best day of my life.

I’m finally leaving Jack’s house and moving back in with my brothers.

I’m so excited and happy that I can barely feel the pain in my body.

Yesterday, when I came home, Jack was passed out on the couch. I was standing in the hallway, gawking at him like an idiot. I expected him to be awake and waiting for me. I expected another beating, you know, for old times’ sake. But none of it happened. He was sleeping on the couch with an empty liquor bottle in his hands.

I finally pushed myself to move and ran upstairs into my room. I locked the door and smiled. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was.

I used that time to pack my belongings in a duffle bag and a backpack. I didn’t own much, so it didn’t take me long to pack. I had a couple of shirts, sweats, and jeans. I had two hoodies, two pairs of Chucks, and two old t-shirts I slept in. I packed books I managed to save from Jack, a few make-up products I had in my bathroom, a hairbrush, and a few hair ties. I packed my painkillers, Polysporin, and bandages. I knew I would need it for a little while longer.

The rest of my free time was used for showering, drying my hair, and cleaning my cuts and wounds. I noticed that the cut on my stomach swelled a little and there was more redness around it than yesterday. I hoped it wasn’t infected.

When I woke up this morning, I applied Polysporin to the cut and changed the bandage. I think I have a fever, but I don’t have a thermometer to check. But I know it’s nothing serious. It’s not the first time I’ve had a fever. Like usual, it will go away after a few days.

I heard a car honk outside of my house, and I stood up as fast as I could. I grabbed my duffle bag and my backpack before looking around my room one last time. Strangely, I felt a little bit sad. This house held many horrors, but this room was always my safe space. It was the only place in this world where I felt safe. I was lucky that Jack never hit me in here. I don’t know what I would have done if he tainted this room with violence.

I sighed and unlocked the door. Jack was waiting for me in the hallway. I gulped and almost ran back into my room.

“Your brothers are here.” Jack said, slurring his words.

He was drunk. Great.

“I know.” I said quietly and closed the door behind me.

I tried walking past him, but he grabbed my arm, pulling me closer to him. The alcohol in his breath made me want to throw up.

I heard the car horn again, and I flinched.

“This is not over, bitch.” Jack said. “I’ll be back for you. Don’t get too comfortable in your new home. You belong here.”

I gulped and pulled my arm out of his grip. He let me go and I hurried down the stairs. I opened the front door and saw Liam’s car parked in front of my house.

I’ve never felt more relieved in my life.

It’s done. I did it. I survived.

A huge smile spread across my face.

Theo stepped out of the car as soon as he saw me. He smiled and ran toward me, pulling me into a hug.

“Finally.” he mumbled.

Noah was right next to him, wrapping his arms around me and Theo.

“Is this everything, honey?” Ezra asked, confused.

Theo and Noah let go of me, and I turned around to see Ezra picking up my backpack and my duffle bag.

I nodded and noticed the confused look Ezra gave to the rest of my brothers. I fidgeted with my fingers nervously.

“Why are you doing this?” I heard Jack’s voice behind me.

I turned around and saw him standing in front of the door with a sad expression on his face.

Theo pulled me to his chest immediately.

“She is our sister.” Liam said calmly.

“She is my daughter.” Jack grunted.

“Technically, no.” Liam said, walking closer and standing next to me and Theo.

Theo was pressing me against his chest, like he was afraid that Jack would pull me back into the house.

“She was your stepdaughter.” Liam continued. “But you are clearly not capable of taking care of her. We are her brothers, her biological family. She belongs with us.”

“Not capable?” Jack snorted. “I got her here, didn’t I? She is a healthy, happy kid. She should stay here with me.”

Theo started shaking, and I immediately rubbed his arm, trying to calm him down.

“All due respect, Sir, but that is not going to happen.” Noah said, standing in front of Theo and me. “She is going home with us.”

Liam turned around, ending the discussion with Jack. I must admit that he is a good actor. If I didn’t know better, I would have believed him to be a sad father.

Theo pulled me toward the car, and I looked at Jack one last time.

He smirked at me, and it made my stomach twist. Will he really come back for me?

I was just about to enter the car when I heard another car honk.

I turned around in time to see Mike stepping out of his car.

We said our goodbyes yesterday, but he said he would try to make it today to see me before I leave. I’m really glad he came. I hurried toward him, ignoring Theo’s protests.

“Hey, Lulu.” Mike said, wrapping me up in a hug. “I had to see you again.”

“I’m glad you came, Mike.” I whispered into his shoulder.

He was my only friend here. I will miss him terribly.

“You have my number, right?” he asked.

I nodded. He gave me his number on a piece of paper and told me to call him as soon as I could.

“Good.” he said. “The moment those rich brothers of yours buy you a phone, you will call me.”

“I will.” I smiled and let go of him. “I promise.”

“Good.” he smiled. “Go now. I don’t want Theo to kill me. He really mastered that ‘shooting the daggers’ look.”

I laughed, and Mike kissed my cheek.

“I’ll miss you, Lulu.” he said quietly. “Call me.”

“I will.” I smiled at him and walked back to the car.

I entered the car and sat down between Noah and Theo.

“Ready, honey?” Ezra asked as he turned around to look at me.

I smiled and nodded, suddenly feeling exhausted.

I leaned my head on Noah’s shoulder. I felt so tired. The excitement over leaving Jack’s house was slowly easing up, and I suddenly felt very weak.

Noah kissed my temple and gasped quietly. His hand flew to my forehead, and he frowned. I didn’t move my head from his shoulder. I couldn’t.

“Liam.” he called our brother.

“Yeah?” Liam glanced at Noah through the rearview mirror.

“She has a fever.” Noah said worriedly.


The brothers will find out about Jack in a few chapters. 😊

I hope you are enjoying the story so far.

Whose POV would you like to see in the next chapter? 😊

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