Chapter 55

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Liam POV

“Are they locked up?” I asked Peter as I sat down at my desk.

“Yes.” Peter said. “Nobody suspects anything.”

“Do you think they will tell anybody?” my uncle asked.

“Even if they do, I’ve called in a few favors.” Peter chuckled.

“Thank you, Peter.” I said. “Anything about the trial?”

“Not yet.” Peter sighed. “We will make sure she doesn’t have to go. The evidence we have against them and her statement to the police should be enough.”

“I don’t want her to have to go through that, Peter.” I said, leaning on my chair and crossing my arms over my chest.

“I know, Liam.” Peter sighed. “We will work something out.”

“Are you sure that we can’t keep them for another week?” Dylan grumbled.

“If I left them with you for another week, I wouldn’t have anyone to lock up.” Peter said, making me chuckle.

“Probably.” Dylan frowned.

“Okay, Peter, thank you.” I said, ending the conversation. “We will talk soon.”

“I’ll call you when I have news.” Peter said before hanging up.

I grabbed the phone from my desk and placed it in my pocket.

“We should have arranged more time with them.” Dylan grumbled.

“Peter is right.” Ezra sighed. “They would have been dead by the end of the week, Dylan.”

“They deserve it.” Dylan said unhappily.

“That’s an easy way out.” grandpa added. “They will suffer more in jail.”

I agreed with my grandpa. As much as I enjoyed torturing the fuckers and as much as I would enjoy watching them die, they are going to suffer longer and harder in jail. Peter will make sure that a word gets around about them being child abusers. They are in for a hell of a ride for the rest of their lives.

“Why is Nate here?” Dylan asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Lucy has trouble sleeping.” I sighed, running my hand through my hair. “She has nightmares. He is going to give her something to help her sleep.”

“Oh, my little girl.” grandpa sighed.

“Since when?” Carter asked worriedly.

“Since she came home from the hospital.” Ezra answered. “They were giving her something to help her sleep there, so she didn’t have nightmares until she came home.”

“Why didn’t she tell you right away?” Matt asked.

“She thought they would go away.” I sighed.

I was really proud of her. I saw how hard it was for her to talk about it, but she did it anyway. And my heart swelled in my chest when I realized that my sister trusted me and came to me for help.

The room was silent for a few moments.

“What about therapy?” my uncle asked, breaking the silence.

I was about to answer him, but I was interrupted by a knock on my office door. It was probably Nate.

“Come in.” I said.

The door opened and Nate walked inside.

“Most of the Ferri family.” he grinned. “What an honor.”

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