Chapter 31

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Lucy POV

“These cookies are the best I’ve ever had.” Ezra said.

It came out all muffled because his mouth was full. I chuckled and shook my head. It’s hard to believe he is a grown man right now. He’s been eating the batter and checking if the cookies were baked every two minutes. He’s like a little kid on Christmas morning.

“You should swallow before talking.” Liam grunted, staring at his phone.

Ezra rolled his eyes and stuffed another cookie in his mouth.

“I can’t believe I have to tell that to a grown-up man.” Liam mumbled quietly.

“I heard that.” Ezra said, with his mouth full.

“Good.” Liam mumbled, looking up at him and rolling his eyes.

I took one cookie from the tray and tried it. It was amazing.

“This is so good.” I gasped, surprised at my own skill.

Liam and Ezra looked up at me, confused.

“You’ve never tried your own cookies?” Liam asked me.

I gulped and placed the half-eaten cookie on the counter. I shouldn’t have said that.

“Lucy?” Ezra called me, swallowing the last piece of cookie in his mouth.

I looked at him and shook my head. “I baked them, but he never let me try them.”

Liam’s fist clenched, and Ezra let out a small sob.

“Oh, my baby.” Ezra whined as he wrapped his arms around me. “Here, have all of them.”

He pushed the tray toward me, and I chuckled. As if I could eat the whole tray of cookies.

“It’s okay, Ezra.” I said, letting him go. “I will have so many more opportunities to eat cookies from now on. Besides, I should leave some for the guys so I can brag about my baking skills.”

I wanted to take the cookies upstairs to Noah’s room, but I didn’t want to disturb them. Theo hadn’t been downstairs to see me yet, and I didn’t want to disrupt his progress.

“You are the best.” Ezra smiled at me, kissing my forehead.

“Oh, I know.” I grinned.

Liam and Ezra laughed, and I grabbed the rest of the cookie from the counter. Ezra let me go to grab another cookie from the tray.

“Liam?” I called my brother.

“Yes, love?” he said, looking up from his phone and smiling at me.

“Would it be okay if I called Mike?” I asked. “I would really like to talk to him.”

Liam bought me a phone as soon as I was discharged from the hospital, but I didn’t have an opportunity to call Mike. I promised him I would, and I really missed him. It would be good to hear his voice.

Liam’s smile disappeared, but he nodded. “Okay, love.”

“Thank you!” I smiled brightly, hopped off of the bar stool and left the kitchen.

As soon as I sat down on the couch, I dialed Mike’s number. It rang a few times before I finally heard Mike’s voice.

“Hello?” he said and I could hear wariness in his voice.

“Hi, Mike.” I said happily. “It’s Lucy.”

“Oh, my God, Lulu!” he said so loudly that I had to move the phone away from my ear. “Are you okay? Where are you?”

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