Chapter 39

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Aiden POV

Ethan, Riley, and I were sitting on a bench at the entrance to the mall.

We were waiting for Theo, Noah, and Lucy.

“What do you think happened to her?” Riley asked, looking at the revolving door.

We’ve told her what Noah and Theo told us. We’ve warned her how protective they would be over her, but we never discussed it further.

“We don’t know, Riles.” Ethan sighed. “I believe it was abuse, but I hope that I am wrong.”

Ethan liked Lucy. I could tell by the way he was looking at her. But he knew he would be missing his balls if he tried anything. At least for now. Theo and Noah would flip out if they knew.

“I hope you are wrong too.” Riley mumbled. “She is such a sweet girl. She didn’t deserve something like that.”

I placed my hand on Riley’s back and rubbed soothing circles. Riley has a huge heart. She always empathized with people, and she sometimes ended up hurt. A lot of them didn’t deserve her, and I wanted to kill them for hurting her.

If Lucy really was abused, I don’t know how Theo and Noah are handling it. I get angry if anyone looks at Riley the wrong way. If somebody hit Riley…

I can’t even think about it. I would lose it. I would probably kill them. And I’m completely sure that Ethan would help me. We were very overprotective of Riley. Well, not ‘Theo’ overprotective, but close.

But if Lucy’s stepfather did abuse her, I completely understood Theo and Noah. I would turn into an overprotective monster if something like that ever happened to Riley.

Just the thought made me angry.

“There they are.” Riley said, making me look up.

Lucy was walking between Noah and Theo, gripping their hands tightly. She was looking around nervously. It looked like she had never stepped foot in a mall before. But that’s impossible, right?

Noah had a smile on his face and Theo glared around them. He looked like he was ready to bite anyone who looked at Lucy the wrong way.

“Hi.” Riley said happily as soon as they approached. “I’m so happy to hang out with you again, Lucy.”

Lucy’s nervous expression turned into a happy one.

“Me too, Riley.” Lucy said, smiling brightly.

I glanced at Ethan, who stared at her all puppy-eyed.

If he doesn’t stop, Theo will notice, and I will be left with only one sibling.

“So, what should we do?” Noah asked, looking from Ethan to me.

“Shopping and then the arcade?” Riley asked, smiling brightly.

Lucy nodded enthusiastically, making Riley squeal.

“Breathe, Riles.” Ethan chuckled.

Riley rolled her eyes and started walking away. Noah and Theo reluctantly let Lucy’s hand go, and she ran after Riley. They immediately started chatting, and I smiled. I was so glad they were getting along. I was hoping that Riley would help Lucy out of her shell, and Lucy could teach Riley how to listen to me more.

The four of us followed after them. Theo glared around like everyone was a threat, and he was making me nervous.

“Would you stop that?” I said quietly. “You are freaking me out.”

He looked at me angrily. “Stop what?”

“Searching for a threat.” I sighed.

“What if I told you Riley was in danger?” Theo asked, giving me an angry glare. “Would you make me stop then?”

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