Chapter 51

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Dylan POV

My baby was awake and wanted to see us. I couldn’t be happier.

I was driving to the hospital. Carter and Matt were in the car with me. Dad and grandpa went in dad’s car.

My grandpa’s car was getting fixed. It was dented and the windows were broken.

“I’m nervous.” Matt mumbled.

I looked at him in the rearview mirror. He was staring through the window with a pained look on his face.

“Why?” Carter asked him, turning around in his seat.

“What if she blames us too?” Matt sighed. “I know that Theo and Noah do.”

“They don’t.” I said. “They are just scared and angry. They will realize it wasn’t our fault. It wasn’t grandpa’s fault.”

Maybe we didn’t take that threat as seriously as we should have, but we never meant any harm. I was sure she would be safe with us. I was convinced that nothing could happen to her with one of us around. We would never let anyone hurt her. She is our treasure.

But we never expected them to join a fucking drug-dealing gang and use them to get to her.

Nobody could see that coming. We thought they were two lowlifes getting drunk somewhere and hiding from the police. We never thought they had the capacity to plan something like that.

“She should have stayed in the house.” Matt mumbled, sighing and leaning his head on the window.

“What, forever?” Carter grumbled. “It would happen sooner or later. They had a fucking plan all along. If she didn’t leave the house, they would probably just break in and take her from there.”

“Like they could have broken into the house.” Matt scoffed.

“Yeah, we thought they couldn’t get to her with two SUVs filled with guards.” I said. “We were wrong about that too.”

“There is no use in pointing fingers.” Carter sighed, turning back around. “The only thing left to do right now is to make sure she will never be hurt again. We need to make sure to let everyone know that she is ours and if anyone looks at her wrong, we will be ripping them apart before they can look away.”

“Aggressive.” I chuckled.

“You would be the first one to do it.” Carter looked at me, rolling his eyes.

“Probably.” I nodded.

Well, not probably. Definitely. She is my little Shortcake. Nobody would get away with hurting her.

“Are they still in the cell?” Carter asked me.

“Yes.” I nodded. “We have a week.”

“Did dad work everything out with Peter?” Matt asked me.

“He did.” I nodded. “As far as everyone is concerned, they are getting assessed at a psychiatric hospital.”

Matt nodded, and I saw him clenching his fists.

Money can do a lot of shit. For example, money can buy you a week with your little girl’s abusers before they are shipped off to jail for good.

“Liam and Ezra are going to be thrilled.” Carter smirked.

I nodded. We've never done something like this before, but I could already picture Liam torturing them and it didn’t look good for them. I already knew I would enjoy it.

“Too bad Theo and Noah aren’t older.” Matt mumbled. “I know they would love to get a turn with them.”

“I think that letting Theo in that room would be worse than all of us entering at the same time.” Carter laughed.

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