Chapter 18

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Lucy POV

Ezra did exactly what he said he would. He gave me something to eat, and after I took a paracetamol, he led me to my room to sleep.

I didn’t complain one bit.

I did want to see the house, but I was so tired that the only thing I could think about was my bed.

From what I could see, the house was amazing. It was more of a mansion, really. It was three stories high, with a huge driveway in front. I could see two big garages on the side of the house, and there were flowers planted everywhere. There was even an actual fountain in the driveway. I did remember playing in the fountain with my brothers, but the memory was foggy. I didn’t get a chance to see the backyard, but I did get a glimpse of the pool. I couldn’t wait to swim in it.

The inside of the house was even more amazing than the outside. Everything was modern. The kitchen had all the appliances you could think of. I couldn’t wait to cook and bake there. I saw kitchen and living room on the first floor. My brothers told me that there was also a dining room where we would eat every Sunday and on every special occasion such as birthdays or holidays. The TV in the living room was bigger than the entire wall at Jack’s house. Well, maybe not bigger, but close. There was some minimalist art on the walls, and I loved it.

I didn’t get to see the rest of the house because Ezra was adamant about getting me to sleep. My room was on the second floor, between Theo and Noah’s rooms. Liam and Ezra’s rooms were right across from ours.

My room was amazing. It was modern and had minimalist details, just like the rest of the house. There was a huge bed in the middle, with a nightstand on each side. The windows were huge and there was so much natural light in my room that I almost started jumping with happiness. I always loved big windows and natural light. There is something so beautiful and peaceful in the early morning and late afternoon sunrays, or in that gray fog that rain creates. I always loved watching the rain, and I always dreamed about watching it through a huge window. I can’t really explain it, but it makes me happy.

I had my own bathroom and my own freaking walk-in closet. I would never be able to fill it, but it was cool to think that I had an actual walk-in closet.

How lucky am I? Too lucky. I don’t really know what I did to deserve all of this.

My room was so big that I even had a book corner. There was a huge bookshelf waiting to be filled with books and a beanbag chair on the floor. Next to it, there was a big desk and an office chair. There were white boxes on the desk that I didn’t have the energy to look at just yet.

Ezra told me I could decorate my room however I wanted to, but it was perfect. I didn’t want to change a thing. Not yet, at least. I will change or add a few things in the future, I am sure, but for now, it was more than enough. It was amazing.

I thought about what Jack had said. Should I really think of this place as my home? Should I get comfortable here? Will Jack come back for me? Will he take me away? What if this is temporary and I will be back in my room in Jack’s house in a few days?

The thoughts only made my head hurt even worse and the urge to throw up only grew.

I can’t go back there. I don’t want to go back there. I want to stay with my brothers.

I forced the thoughts out of my head and laid down. As soon as my head touched the softest pillow of my life, I fell into darkness.

My brothers didn’t wake me up for the rest of the day. I know they checked up on me a few times because I felt their fingers running through my hair and their palms feeling my forehead.

I didn’t open my eyes, because I couldn’t. I was too tired and too weak to even try.

When I finally managed to wake up, it was 10:35 pm. If it wasn’t for the strong urge to throw up, I wouldn’t even have woken up yet.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. My ribs were screaming in pain because of my fast movements, but I really didn’t want to throw up on the floor of my new room.

When I finally managed to stop throwing up, I forced myself to stand up. I looked at myself in the mirror and cringed.

I looked terrible. I was pale and there were beads of sweat on my forehead. My eyes were red and glossy. I looked sick. I was sick.

I grabbed the toothpaste and my toothbrush and washed my teeth.

The wound on my stomach hurt like hell. I lifted my shirt carefully and removed the bandage. The sight almost made me throw up again.

The wound was red and swollen. Clear liquid, mixed with blood, kept coming out of the cut. It looked worse than it did the day Jack stabbed me.

It was infected. Shit.

I needed to see a doctor. This won’t go away without an antibiotic, and I can’t get that without a prescription.

What should I do? Should I tell Liam? I probably should. I can’t really go to the hospital alone. They would have to call Liam because he is my legal guardian. And I would never step foot outside this house without Theo knowing. Going to the hospital alone definitely isn’t an option.

I should tell Liam. He will take me to the doctor, and I will try to talk to him alone, without Liam in the room. The doctor doesn’t need to tell him anything, right? Liam doesn’t have to find out about the abuse.

I don’t have to show the doctor my ribs or other cuts. I can show him this one on my stomach and tell him I had an accident at work. I mean, I worked at the diner, there were knives everywhere, unfortunately for me. It’s believable, right? He will believe me, and it will be okay. They won’t find out. Nobody will find out.

I took a deep breath. Should I go now or in the morning? I don’t want to disturb Liam now. He is probably asleep.

When another wave of nausea and dizziness hit me, I got my answer.

I needed my brother now.

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