Chapter 20

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Lucy POV

The guilt I felt when Liam and Ezra left the room was overwhelming.

But it was for the better.

Knowing what had happened to me would only hurt them. I don’t want to hurt them. I just got them back. We should make happy memories from now on. I can’t let this ruin everything.

“Okay, kid.” Nate said when the doors closed. “Can you tell me what happened so I can determine what’s wrong?”

“You don’t need to.” I said quietly. “I know what’s wrong.”

“You do?” Nate asked.

I took a deep breath. Okay. I can do this. Nate will help. I will get an antibiotic and I will put this behind me.

“I have an infection.” I said quietly.

Nate opened his mouth to speak, but we were interrupted by a very loud voice coming from the hallway.



He is going to want to come inside.
I heard Liam’s voice, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying.
Theo argued with him, but after a few moments, they stopped.

“Hm.” Nate mumbled. “I was sure he would barge in.”

“Me too.” I said, giving him a small smile.

“Okay, Lucy.” Nate said, turning back to me. “Why do you think you have an infection?”

I don’t think I have an infection. I know I have an infection.

I took another deep breath and lifted my shirt a little. I didn’t want him to see my ribs. I pulled the waistband of my sweats down so I could remove the bandage.

I started pulling on the medical tape holding the bandage in place. It was pulling on my skin, and I hissed in pain.

Once the bandage was completely off, I looked up at Nate.

He was staring at the cut on my stomach with wide eyes. His fists were clenched, and his breaths were short and fast.

“Who did that, Lucy?” he asked a few moments later.

His voice was as cold as ice. I could see anger in his eyes.

“Nobody.” I said quietly. “I cut myself at work.”

The look Nate gave me made me realize that he absolutely did not believe my lie.

“Lucy.” Nate said in a warning tone.

My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. My palms were sweating like crazy. I hated lying.

But I couldn’t tell him the truth.

“It was an accident at work, Nate.” I said quietly, my voice trembling.

Nate gave me a long, stern look. His jaw clenched and he gave me a small nod. He stood up, walked to the steel table in the corner of the room, and grabbed the supplies he needed to clean the cut on my stomach.

He came back and sat on the chair. His hands went to my hoodie as he tried to lift it up higher.

I gripped it tight, stopping him. He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Why can’t I lift your hoodie higher, Lucy?” he asked.

I gulped, trying to think of a good excuse.

“I’m shy.” I said quietly, after a few moments.

Nate didn’t buy my lie again, but he nodded and got to work.

He tried to be gentle, but it hurt like hell. I kept flinching, and Nate kept telling me to stay still. I tried my best, but it was hard.

Every few minutes, I heard Theo’s voice arguing with Liam. I could tell he wanted to come inside, and I hoped Liam would stop him. He can’t come inside now. He would see the cut.

Finally, about half an hour later, Nate was done. He put a clean bandage on the cut, and he gave me some painkillers.

“I will call the nurse to take your blood.” Nate said as he disposed of the gloves.

“Why?” I asked.

I didn’t want him to do any more tests or exams. I knew that the blood would show how malnourished I was. And it would only raise more questions from my brothers.

“Because of the infection.” Nate said, sitting back down on the chair next to me.

He had a thermometer in his hand. He put it on my forehead and wrote down the number.

“Nate?” I called him quietly.

“Yes?” he answered, writing something down in my chart.

“You can’t tell Liam about the cut.” I said, my voice trembling.

I was nervous like I’ve never been before. It was a good thing I threw up before, because my stomach felt like a washing machine on a spin cycle. I would throw up all over Nate if I had anything in my stomach right now.

“I have to tell him, Lucy.” Nate said sternly, making my heart stop. “You are a minor and he is your legal guardian. I would be going against the law if I didn’t tell him.”

I felt like all of my blood had left my body. I was suddenly very cold and very shivery. My eyes widened, and I couldn’t come up with anything to say. I knew I had to argue and try to convince Nate, but I just couldn’t find the words to do so.

“Besides, if it’s just a cut from work, Liam won’t be too upset.” Nate said calmly, but his eyes told me he knew it was a lie.

God, I am a terrible liar, and this was the worst idea ever. I should’ve just kept quiet, and I would be okay after a few days.

I rolled my eyes internally.

Now I’m even lying to myself. Of course I wouldn’t be okay. The infection would probably kill me after a while. It was an old, rusty knife. I have God knows what flowing around my body.

“Right.” I managed to mumble after a few moments of Nate’s stern eyes watching me.

“Okay.” Nate said as he got up. “I will go talk to Liam. The nurse will be in here to take your blood in a few minutes.”

I managed to give him a small nod as I watched him leave the exam room and close the door behind him.

I could see my heart jumping out of my body.

I would either have to come up with a really, really great story about me cutting myself at work, or I would have to tell the truth.

Both possibilities made me want to throw up.

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