chap 5!!

440 7 2
  • Dedicated to Vale <3

I stood up taking a deep breath, I had ruined a perfect afternoon and had just revealed one of my darkest secrets to a guy that I knew for about 2 days… but he was not just a guy, he was a freaking rock star, one of the most important singers these days; and I had just told him all about my mum. Damn it, why didn´t I just shut up and sucked it up? Damn I just screwed everything up... If he talks to me again what the hell am I gonna tell him? And tomorrow I have science with him! I´m so screwed right now…

I hit the door, quite hard I may add. I really needed to relax or I would end up being grounded for the rest of my life because of making a total mess of my house! I went up stairs to my art room, I love this room, it has white walls but every wall has something different in them… the first one, the big one; has a lot and I seriously talking now, a lot of quotes, the next one has some pink polka dots and black peace signs, the smaller one has this really weird lines I drew one day when I was bored and the other one had hands all over the place the colors where blue, pink, orange and black, the hand prints where my sisters and mines. I smiled all ready calming down. A phone ringing startled me; I ran to the kitchen and took the phone.

“Hello? “ I said

“Hey, um can I talk with Emily?” I deep, amazing voice said… hum mouth watering... ;)

“Yeah, you’re talking with her…who is this?”

“Justin Smith.” I almost faint.

“Damn it.” I said under my breath

“Sorry what was that?” I didn´t waste another minute, I hanged up.

Why is he calling me and most important who the hell gave him my number? Anyways I started pacing out through my living room; I just not get this situation; what the hell is going on? Why did I talk to an almost stranger which so happen to be a rock star about my dead mum, or why did I accept that invitation of going in his car?? Well I can answer that one, a free ride with a really hot dude, and going in that awesome car… yep those are completely good and reasonable reasons.

I stopped freaking out and went to my couch and watch some T.V there was a lot of random things and nothing good to watch, so I chose this lame program about the la la land of actors and singers.I started drifting to sleep until I heard a sickening name… one that I now hate…Justin… they were talking about him.

“Justin Smith is now going to a high school in California… we have some videos of his first day in this school…” said the women on the T.V. then they showed some videos of people talking to him and he giving them his one million dollars smile… a girl almost fainted in one of the videos, I cracked up laughing.

“C´mon he is just a guy that can sing; no big deal…”  I said under my breath.

The woman in the T.V kept talking about him somewhat like if he was a god or something it was so lame. I laughed a little more. I continued watching it until I was almost late for work; I took a cab, since my stupid car is ruined (I really need to tell dad.. oh well when he comes back I´ll do it). After about 20 minutes I was in Blue Bay restaurant the place where the workers are plain weird and there is a good chance you find a famous person. Hum... good headline... Anyways; that night work was hectic; there was a lot of people and one of the girls that work with me got sick, so I had to work double. I found out that the Bitter Snakes one of the best bands in the whole world loved pasta, that Jennifer Law (an actress) is a total brat… and that Helena Martins loves her coke with a lime on the side... If you are wondering who she is... Well she is one of the bitches of my school; yeah not cool to be her waitress.

After my shift I couldn´t wait more to get home; although it would be completely empty, it was a hell lot better than being here. I stayed awake for most of the night I kept thinking about Justin and everything that had happened. I couldn´t sleep, every time I was about to get some sleep another random thought about that afternoon came to my mind; I couldn´t shut up my mind, and  yep I know that sounds extremely weird.

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