chap 3!!

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I woke up at the sound of a door opening, I opened my eyes and look around lazily, I was on our sofa, in front of our plasma TV, and it was daylight...weird. My dad entered the house dresses with a black suit, his hair was all messy (because when he is stressed he touches it a lot) he also had really tired eyes. He looked shock of seeing me there, I gave him a smile.

"Hey dad, how was work?"

"Eh, good I guess, sweetie you know that today is Thursday right?"

"Aha..." I said sleepily. Getting out of the sofa, so I could go to my room to get more sleep.

"You have school in about ten minutes." He said giving me one of his rare smiles. I smiled back, and then I understood what he was saying.

"Oh god I'm gonna be late!" I yelled going to my room. I pick my outfit for the day, it was a pair of shorts a t-shirt that said -I hate t-shirts with something written on them-   I took a super quick shower did my hair took my bag and my car keys. I gave dad a hug goodbye and run out the door. I turned the music on and drive to my school, thank god the ride to my school is a ten minutes ride. I run to my locker took my books and continued running. Everyone looked at me with faces of surprise and annoyance. When I got to my homeroom the bell rang and I smiled, I had made it! I shook my head smiling and went to my seat.

I took my Ipod out and listen to music. Math was horrible, I had forgotten my homework at home, and I had won a detention for that same day with Mr. Williams. Because I answered him back and blah blah blah. I had P.E on forth hour... I was in a really bad mood and that is not pretty, believe me. I changed into my P.E uniform and went to the volleyball court were the rest of the girls were gathered.

"Omg, and he was like all happy to see me, and then I asked if he could sing me a song, and he said yeah... and then he sang, omg his voice is so great....I think he likes me!" Said the worst person in this stupid place,  Helen. She has long blond curly hair, blue eyes, full pink lips, and a body that every girl wants. (Well not me, I do have self respect.) She is the school slut you could say... she has made my life hell since... let's just say, forever. I really hate her. But everyone that has a mind (like one that works...) hate's her too.

"Of course he does, you are like the hottest thing in this school!" said one of her clones, Isabella.  This had been going for about 15 minutes, and we were playing volleyball, or at least I was. It was my time to serve... and I had a pretty good idea in my head.

I served and "accidentally" the ball hit Helen on her head...   interrupting one of her rambles.

"Ow! My head, oh shit, Ema or whatever your name is what the heck is wrong with you!!" She yelled. Rubbing her head...I tried my best not to laugh at her face.

"You need to watch the game if you are in the court." I said...she gave me the finger and stormed off... her clones went running after her, yelling her name. Our gym teacher went with them after telling me that I should be more careful and blah blah blah. After that class I had science I think that is my only class with Justin... I walked through the corridors and finally I got to my science classroom, I opened the door and went to sit on my chair.

After a couple of minutes, Justin entered the class room, he had a blue v neck t-shirt, dark jeans and his hair was in a really messy sexy style, he was talking with three girls of the class, they were worshiping were he walked, I laughed and shook my head. He came and sat next to me. I smiled.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I said

"Fine, how have you been?"

"In a really bad mood " I answered truthfully. H e gave me a weird face, and shook his head.

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