chap 8!!

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I woke up to someone whistling. My back hurt slightly because of the uncomfortable floor, I groaned while I turned around to see the person next to me. Justine was asleep. His black hair was everywhere, and his pink full lips where opened slightly. I laughed quietly.

Someone was still whistling. Hum... who is that? I thought as I moved slowly to the tent´s door. I opened the zipper and looked out. There opening my house door was my dad. I smiled gratefully and went out the tent to greet him.

“Hello Dad” I said while hugging him.

“Hello, sweetie what are you doing outside camping?” He motioned at the tent. I laughed and explained to him the situation. He nodded, while looking at me in a disapproving manner. We went inside the house and I went directly to the kitchen.

I was dying of hunger.

I made some eggs for me and some cereal for my dad. I didn´t know what to prepare for Justine so I didn´t cook anything else.

“Emi, I have to go now to work again. Sorry.” He said guiltily. I sighed and nodded.

“I thought you would” I said. He nodded.

Dad kissed me in the forehead goodbye and went out the door. I sighed. Why do I always end up alone?

First mum, then my sister and now my dad; am I that huge of a bother? I wanted to cry, I was so angry at them, all of those that had left me without saying goodbye or those that had made false promises of being there when I needed them. I really needed someone stable… a hard rock that would not move someone that would always be there with me, someone that understood me.

I went out of the house, trying to look at everything the best way possible.

I sighed again and dropped to the floor, the air was slightly chilly and I could see rain clouds approaching. The grass was wet from the rain this morning. I looked up at the sky, as if the sky held the answers of all my questions… I looked at it hopefully, but found nothing just as I knew I would.

“Stupid life” I whispered to myself, I wanted to hit something or rather someone, the only thing I knew was that I didn´t want to stay here watching the sky, alone. I stood up groaning because of my back ache.

“Never sleeping in a tent again” I muttered as I went inside the tent.

The air here was warm, and it smelled like Justine just like yesterday. I lay on the floor, curled up in a ball and fell asleep again.


“Em, Emily” Someone said next to me, I groaned and turned around, away from the person. He chuckled.

“Come on sleepy head... it´s time to wake up” He said shaking me awake, I groaned in defeat and opened my eyes. I could see the sun setting from here. Damn.

“What time is it?” I asked instantly awake. Justine looked down at his watch.

"Almost 6 in the afternoon”

“I´m almost late for work!”

“Oh…”  He responded. I looked at him, his dark hair was wet and his eyes sparkled.

“Sorry for falling sleep again, but I haven’t sleep that well this days, I was going to cook you some breakfast or something and now it´s almost night. God, I´m really sorry” I kept mumbling. He laughed.

“Emi, breath everything is alright. I ate a couple of hours ago, and I must admit that you have the best choice in cereal in the whole world.” He said with a wink; I had about 10 different cereal boxes in the kitchen, I laughed.

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