chap 7!!

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  • Dedicated to all of those people that inspire me

As I entered the tent the smell of Justine took over me… every single breath I took had his delicious and mysterious and surely really expensive smell impregnated in it. He lay in the right side of the small tent. I smiled at him; who would have thought that I would be in this twisted and really strange situation with one of the hottest singers in the US? I lay next to Justine facing him.

“Thanks for doing this” I said.

“No problem, it´s good to have some normal time… I can´t remember the last time I felt normal.”

“Wow... so philosophical” I teased.

“Yep” he said chuckling.

“Does it annoy you?”  His eyes narrowed slightly.

“What?” he asked, my fingers fidget nervously for an unknown reason.

“Does not being normal annoy you” I clarified.

“Sometimes… although I got a costume, it doesn´t affect me much now” I nodded.

“Tell me more” I pleaded.

"Ok... um I don´t really care about what people think about what I do or how I do it.. I just do it for myself; if another person likes it then that´s great and I get happy if that happens, but when people try to persuade me about changing my style or what I talk about I just tell them to fuck off since it´s my music and my fame not theirs."

“And the paparazzi?” I asked. He made a face.

“The paparazzi can´t stop talking about what I do right or wrong, I guess if they didn´t follow me around everything would be better…” Justine said.

"Is being famous as great as everybody thinks?" I asked. Another stupid question but I´ve always wanted to know.

“I don´t know it’s a combination of a lot of stuff, between doing my music and the people that can´t live me the hell alone… I guess it´s complicated to choose if it is cool or not.”

“That was one of the reasons why you came here, to try and leave a normal life?” I asked in a small voice. He nodded.

“I guess I came here to get away of the stress of doing what other people want me to do and the paparazzi. Damn I can´t stand them. It doesn´t matter how many times I tell them to leave alone they never do” I smiled at him... poor Justine.

“Think of it this way; thanks to them you are one of the most known singers in the whole world, they helped you to be known around here… everything has two sides of the story you know... maybe you just have to understand theirs and try accepting yours.” I said in a small voice.

“I guess your right” He smiled.

“Now tell me something about you” he said while slightly placing his hand in mine, my heart started racing his hand felt war against mine...

“There is nothing to tell my life is boring and lonely…” I trailed off as I look down at our hands; he gave a slight squeeze. I smiled. It was a wonderful feeling to talk to someone that seemed interested in what you said… someone that maybe cared about you.

“Come on Emi don´t think that” He was about to say something else but the sound of a camera taking photos interrupted us. I looked at Justine.

“His here… idiot don´t take any photos yet… let´s wait for him to go outside… “

“Those photos can cost a fortune Jared” A man said.

“Not the tent ones idiot! We have to take him a photo.” Two people whispered outside the tent.

“Damn it, not again.” Justine whispered. He motioned me to stay quite.

“We are going to stay here until he gets out? Seriously dude, are you insane we are losing money right now! We aren´t even sure if he is here… that is what Robert told us… but we can´t actually be sure” One of the paparazzi said in a muffle whisper. I look at Justine, his eyes had darkened and he clenched his fists. I had an idea.

I motion him to come closer, he did.

“Give me your phone” I whispered at his ear. He handed it to me, with a curious look. I wrote quickly in it.

-          I´ll go outside and scare them off... this is a private location I´ll say that I´ll call the police. Maybe that will make them go and I´ll say that you are not here… lay looking down so they can´t see your face-

He read the message quickly and type something else he handed me the phone.

-ok good idea, be careful and take the phone maybe we will need to call the police. I nodded and smiled. He smiled back. He then laid looking at the floor and I covered him with one of the blanket that was next to me. I opened the tent´s door and went out.

Someone took a photo; I turned around to look at the guy that had taken it.

“GET OUT OF MY PROPERTY!! DO YOU WANT ME TO CALL THE POLICE!?!” I screamed as loud as I could pointing menacingly at one of the guys with my finger.

“Where is Justine?” The other guy asked me. My belly did a small flip, fuck. I thought quickly about an excuse.

“Are you fuking insane? Why would I have a certain Justine with me in my tent!??! And if even if I had him here I would not tell you! Now I´m going to count to 3 and if you aren´t running like hell out of here I´ll call the police!” I screamed again. The one that had taken my photograph looked so scared I almost laugh at his face… neither of them moved.

“GET THE HELL OUT! I´M WARNING YOU!” I yelled. One of them ran away the other one stayed there frozen.

“Get out!” I screamed at his face.  His eyes widen and he walk slowly out of my yard. I released a breath I didn´t know I was holding. I went in the tent again; Justine was looking at me with a huge smile.

“That was freaking awesome!” He yelled like a small kid I laughed and ruffled his hair.

“I have one last question for you” I said teasingly.

“Shoot.” He took hold of my hand again.

“How much would I win if I sell a picture of you?” I asked with a smile. He rolled his eyes and got more comfortable. I chuckled.

“Night Emi” he said while he covered his face with the blanket I laughed.

“Night J” I said while I looked at him. I cuddled more into my spot and closed my eyes, sleep came soon enough.


Not the best chapter ever… but it will get better! Promise :D  I´ll edit this soon :)

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- Dany xoxo

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