chap 6!! (pt 1)

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  • Dedicated to you for reading this story

Part 1:

Both Justin and I entered the classroom and sat on the far right corner. The classroom had a big window at the left side, in the front there was an interactive board and also the teachers table. The walls where plain white except for one that had a green board made of cork; pasted on it there were some works people had done about the human nerce system.I shuddered.

The ogre looked at us like we where the kind of food she didn´t like. I shuddered again, Justin looked at me questioningly and I shook my head.

"Ok, now I want you to pay attention as how I´m going to do this lab, if you talk you´ll fale the lab... so if I were you I would consider stop talking or whatever you are doing and pay attention; you will have an hour to make this lab and you will be graded at how you work. I expect a good job since you are being given a second chance." she said gaving us a hard look.We nodded. Then the ogre started combining the different substances that were placed in front of her. I took notes about how to do it; I can´t let myself fale this or else my dad… will kill me. (Figuratively)

After she finished explaining the experiment we took our materials and started doing it. Finally we knew how to do this lab, and we didn´t invent anything this time, so it went pretty well.

"So, now we are friends ?"he asked while I combined substances, that question got me so of guard that I almost drop the beaker I had in my hand.

"Y-yeah I guess" I said stuttered; I still don´t understand how he can make me turn shy, and blush or be embarrassed because of something that with the rest of the world I don´t even give a damn about. He nodded and gave me his one million dollars smile that I love so much (although there is a lot more people that love it too). We continue doing the experiment for the next forty minutes of the class… the ogre kept giving us dirty looks. When we finally finished the experiment we handed it in and ran as fast as we could out of that classroom, we laughed all the way to the parking lot.

"Well, that was a funny class.." I said trailing of, he smiled at me and I noticed that it wasn´t that smile that he gave everyone; the one that told you that he was a rock star… this was just a normal beautiful smile, one that I could stare at forever. Yeah, that is how beautiful it was.

"Yeah it was, although she kept giving us dirty looks" he made a face and I chuckled.

"Bye, I got to go… since I have to walk and it’s getting late." I made a face, I hate with all my heart walking more than what is really necessary.  He waved and said goodbye, he then went to his beautiful car and started it up. I gave a long sigh and then prepared myself for the long walk to my house. I started listening to some music while I walked to my house. I saw his car pass beside me; he waved while he drove away. I gave a small, silly smile; But I don´t really know why.


After about thirty minutes of walking I got to my house; I made a face, my house was beautiful… But it was missing something... That thing is someone that leaves there with me; I shook my head, to stop myself to think about that. My dad had made his choices... and sadly I would respect them.

I looked for my keys in my back pocket lazily… I didn´t feel them, I started panicking. I looked everywhere, my bag, my front pockets, around me, I even considered going all the way back to school.  I finally resign and now that I think about it I may have left them at home this morning; I started cursing. What the hell do I do now, I thought to myself.In French my dad had send me a message telling me that tonight he wasn´t coming home because of the amount of work he had. And I had to go to Blue Bay in about half an hour. Damn

I went to one of the front  windows to see if it was open… I tried it, nop didn´t work; the second window was also locked I cursed under my breath. What the hell do I do? I looked for my cell phone to call my dad, I dialed his number but no such luck, it went directly to voice mail.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" I said out loud to no one in particular.

" Well maybe I am" I voice behind me said, I turn around to see who it was… 

 I gasped.


Hello! Reader!!!  so um sorry for not uploading any sooner but this year has been hard.. my school is obsessing about giving us homework (like 4 really long hw a day) I haven´t have a lot of time for writing; also I´ve had volleyball tournaments going on..and that doesn´t leave me anymore time.... I´ll try to upload as soon as I can, pinky promise. J Second part of the chapter coming soon… like in a day or 2 :P

p.s this isn´t edited yet.. I just wanted to posted as soon as possible... I´ll edit it later.. =L

-Loads of love from Dany… remember to comment, vote or fan!

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