chap 6!! (pt 2)

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  • Dedicated to our fans... :)

Justin stand there looking at me, I tried to get my feet off the window but it was stuck. Damn great way to impress him Emily! A voice in my head said. OK… what the hell was that? Where that thought came from? I shook my head to get that thought out of my head, but no such luck.

“You need any help?” He said humorous, I gave him a look.

“No, I´m having the time of my life here, no worries” I said with my voice full of sarcasm.

“Oh ok, cool” he then started moving out of my view.

“What the hell! Justin come here and help me!” I yelled I heard him laugh.

“Um... Why would I, you said it yourself. You are having the time of your life there” He winked at me. I glared.

“Seriously Justin come here and help me!” I screamed, he laughed a little more but then came and help me out. I gave him a small smile.

“ Thanks” I said beaming with happiness, when my two feet touched the ground. He laughed at me and ruffled my hair, I looked at him with a questioning face but he just brushed it off.

“Now, can you please tell me what the hell were you trying to do?” He asked. I chuckled.

“Um... I left my keys somewhere in the house... my dad isn´t coming today because he has a lot of work, and I´m stuck outside of my house, I was trying to go into my house.. But I got stuck.” I said with a sheepish smile. He laughed.

“I thought that only happened in the movies!” He now was rolling in the floor laughing. I  glare at him. When he finally clmed down he said.

“Haven´t you notice that we almost only talk when you are in this kind of situations?” He looked at me with those beautiful eyes… like if he was searching for something… but I don´t know what.

“Yeah... that´s true.” I smiled. "Now what the hell doI do? I can´t stay here forever..."

He laughed again “well it´s not actually for forever... he triled off.

 "I have an idea.” He said  I looked at him questioningly he shuddered. Justin looked at his watch. He then called someone on the phone, but I couldn´t hear what he was saying because, he talked low. After a couple of minutes in the phone he closed it.

“Who were you calling?” I asked suspiciously.

“No one”  He said simply. He sat on the grass, and patted the place next to him. Well what else can go wrong? I thought to myself as I walked to sit beside Justin.

“So, what are we doing sitting here?” I asked.

“Not much just lay down and let´s watch the clouds!” He smiled like if he was a kid all over again, I laughed. This was not what I expected when that girl told me that Justin Smith was going to our school... I imagined a stuck up teen, whiny, maybe rude… but not this.

We looked at the clouds for almost an hour, just laughing and fooling around. Cars passed next to my house, kids running on the path walk; I hadn´t felt like this in a long time ago, Relax with no worries.  Maybe that was what I had been doing wrong since my mum died… I´ve been stressed, sad and looking to much in the sad moments of my past.

Maybe this was what I had been looking all a long, having a friend that respects my past and does not look at me like the girl who´s mum died… he just looks at the crazy girls called Emily.The sky started darkening, I stood up.

“What are you doing?” Justin asked.

“I don´t know; but I have to look for somewhere to sleep tonight.” He gave me a smile. I would have answer asked what he meant but that smile, but a car parking in my front door stopped me.

“Excuse me! This is private place!” I yelled at the guy that was getting out of the car I then noticed that it wasn´t any car... It was actually a hammer limousine. My jaw dropped a little.

“What the hell ; why is a limousine parked in my front yard? I thought.

“I called for it” Justin answered.

“Did I just said that aloud?” I wondered stupidly, he laughed I took that as a yes.

“Wait a second. You called for this limousine?” I asked.

“Slow aren´t we?” He said while he smirked.” and yes I did call the limo… but go look in it.. there is something that will need.” He said laughing at my face. Maybe I was rich... but I´ve never been into a limo, I wanted to jump up and down of happiness.

He took my hand and led me to the open door of the limo. Inside, there were sits... and well everything that is in a limo. The only thing that wasn´t from the limo was a camping bag and a tent. I looked at Justin questioningly. He shuddered.

“I thought it would be fun for us to camp in your front yard, so youwont be left alone.” He said. Actually that sounded like a good idea. I smiled at his worried face.

“Is it ok? Or did I screw it?” He asked.

“You did it quite well I may say” He smiled. Then we took all the camping equipment out of the limo and started building the tent, we laughed and fool around until 11:00 pm when we finally finished the tent. Jutin went inside the tent... I didn´t follow.

“Come on in” he said  getting his head out the tent to look at me. He motion for me to get in. I smiled at him and walked to the tent.Well this might be interesting I thought to myself whi I closed the tent.

------------------------- =D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hello! I know this chap was meant to be posted like 2 days ago and I´m sorry for that.. but I had a really busy week (which I wasn’t expecting to have.. ) sorry guys.. L

Plz comment, vote and fan!!! (2 votes for next chapter?) :P

-Dany xoxo

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