Ch1- On the Train

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-*3rd Person POV*-

Remus was lying across the train seats of the Hogwarts express. He had a book in hand and was waiting for the other three Marauders. He had a hard time focusing though, he hadn't received but one letter from Sirius throughout the summer holidays, which worried him.

Sirius Black, long time crush of Remus' and this year he was determined to tell the other male how he felt. Remus was bisexual and at the end of last year Sirius came out to the other three Marauders as gay. Remus heard footsteps approaching the rear cabin that Marauders always shared. Thanks to Remus' 'furry little problem' he was able to identify it as James before James was anywhere near opening the door.

Remus continued to keep his nose buried in his book. Peter was in his rat form and sleeping on the cushions next to James. The train started moving and Remus began to panic. Sirius wasn't here yet. Suddenly the door to their cabin burst open and in waltzed a very bruised and out-of-breath Sirius.

Remus leapt from his seat, his book forgotten. He pulled Sirius down next to him, moving the beautiful black curls out of his face. Remus looked in utter shock at the bruises on the person in front of him. As sirius winced in pain as he repositioned himself. Remus was heart broken.

He summoned his wand and began healing the wounds across his body. He had Sirius lay down as he did so. Sirius had to take off his shirt so Remus could continue. The amount of wounds on Sirius hurt Remus to a great extent. Remus whispered sweet nothings, compliments, and encouragements to him. Somewhere throughout the commotion James had fallen asleep, James and Peter were very hard sleepers so Remus wasn't worried. Remus still put silencing charms on the cabin as he continued.

-*Sirius POV*-

I winced in pain as he continued to heal my wounds. I had a lot on my back from the crucio curse. They had used it on me often after I told them I was gay and in love with Remus. They beat me mercilessly everyday. I hadn't eaten in probably about 2 weeks at least and I couldn't remember the last time I slept this summer.

Remus flipped me on my stomach with the most gentle touch I had ever felt in my life. He was constantly whispering sweet encouragements and helping me through this process. He healed my back slowly from how severe the cuts and wounds were. Once he finished with my upper body he tried to get to my legs but I winced and cried out in pain.

I had tears in my eyes from the pain in my legs. They had beaten me mercilessly breaking so many bones just to heal them and then do it again. I was in so much pain. Remus carefully cut my jeans just above my mid thigh and continued. I felt tears leak down my cheeks as he continued to heal me. Once he was done he repaired my jeans.

I felt him pull me into his lap and summon a blanket and put it over us. He stroked my hair gently, I haven't felt a gentle touch in so long. My head hurt from my parents yanking and pulling on my hair. He continued to whisper sweet nothings and compliments to me as I drifted off to sleep as I inhaled his scent. It was a calming dreamless sleep, but a much needed rest.

I was awoken to Remus gently whispering in my ears and stroking my hair. I groaned as I opened my eyes slightly. "He Pads, we're about 10 minutes from the school, we should probably change into our robes." I nodded but nuzzled my head back into his chest. I felt him lift me up and set me back down gently handing me my robes. I stretched and yawned as I got out from under the blanket and grabbed my robes from him.

I changed and then came back to see him in his robes as well. He had gotten taller and his dirty blond hair was wavy and slightly tousled from sleep. I curled back up against him and waited until the train stopped for us to get off and get to hogwarts.

(721 words)

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