Ch 3- The potions Room

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-*Sirius POV*-

I stared into his golden flecked eyes. The way the flecks would dance across his eyes with his moods. His pupils were enlarged as if he were curious or filled with love. The scar that went across his face was faded and white but still very noticeable. I could feel his breath against my lips and I didn't want to move from this position.

I felt his lips faintly brush against my own and then we heard someone about to open the dormitory's door. We jumped apart and we were both blushing like tomatoes. I sat on my bed sipping my coffee and drawing in my sketchbook. James was ranting about Lily again. I just ignored him. After a while, I went to potions. I was the first one there and decided to just sit in my seat and sketch. I was drawing Remus, again.

He had become my main subject for drawing. I was sketching the flecks in his eyes when I heard someone open the door to the potions room. I carefully looked up to see those golden flecked eyes looking back at me. I closed my sketchbook carefully. There was still an hour before class started. So why was he here?

-*Remus POV*-

I knew where he was at, he always elected Potions as his first class on Mondays. I saw him concentrating on drawing something in his sketchbook. His drawings to him are as books are to me. He glanced up at me and gently closed his book with his charcoal pencil still in it.

I sat down next to him gently brushing my shoulder against his. "Hey Padfoot, whatcha drawing? I watch as a deep scarlet blush creeps up onto his cheeks. I lean closer to him watching his reactions. He is adorable when he's flustered. He turns to face me gently and so gracefully. His grey eyes filled with want, I watch as his eyes flicker to my lips and then back to mine. I gently grab his chin and tilt it upwards.

Our lips brush against each other and I wait for him to show any sign of distress or disgust. I was surprised when he leaned in and initiated the kiss. I kissed back gently, our lips moving together in perfect sync. I lick his bottom lip for entrance and he grants it. I slide my tongue into his mouth gently, exploring with care. When we pull away we are both out of breath and are blushing profusely. I watch as Padfoot looks up at me with longing eyes.

"I-i'm in love with you Moons..." I hear him say under his breath. I pick him up and set him in my lap so we are face to face. I hope that this isn't a dream, I really hope this is real. I want it to be real so badly. I look into his timid grey eyes. Those beautiful orbs that I get lost in so easily.

"I'm in love with you too Sirius," I say in a whisper. His eyes light up with joy and I plant a gentle kiss on his lips. We sit there snuggled together sharing gentle kisses until it's almost time for class to start. I set him back down in his seat and he goes back to his sketchbook. I had my arm around his shoulders and he leaned into my touch as he continued to make soft strokes with his charcoal pencil.

Once he puts his signature 'SB' on the page I finally get to see what it is he was drawing. It was me, asleep in the window seat with a book on my lap and a blanket over me. I smiled then kissed his head and whispered, "It's amazing Siri." He blushes at the nickname that I hadn't called him since the Marauders formed.

He looks up at me with curious eyes and I smile, how could I not? "What is it, Siri?" He started to fidget with his fingers the way he does when he's nervous. He looked away and began to sketch on a new page. I moved my hand to his chin and pulled him to face me. "You can tell me anything Siri, so what is it?" He blushed and gently closed his sketchbook again.

"I-i umm... I want to be more than just friends..." He looked away blushing. I smiled and made him look at me again, I kissed him gently.

We kissed for a moment before I pulled away and whispered against his lips, "Will you be my boyfriend Sirius Black?" I watched as his face heated up and he smiled brightly. He kissed me again, the kiss was slow but passionate and I loved every minute of it.

When we pulled away he was smiling like an idiot but I probably am too. "Yes, Remus Lupin I would be honored to be your boyfriend. I smiled down at him and then kissed him gently before people began to come into the room. He went back to his sketchbook but was still leaning up against me.

When class started we did our work efficiently. Our legs brushed up against each other as we worked. I stole quick glances at Siri, he was so adorable when he was concentrated. We made our potion perfectly and were able to lean against each other for a bit at the end of class, Siri was sketching again and I was just watching contently.

(903 words)

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