ch7- Harry...

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Hello everyone sorry for the late post Homecoming week was very busy for me so I was running around helping. I am not on Fall break so I will do my best to post more.

My best friend and fellow marauder is a rat and my other best friend and his wife are dead, killed by Voldemort. I was filled with so much pain and rage that I broke down crying. Remus came over and wrapped me in his arms and took the letter and read it over. I heard him sniffle before straightening up and straightening me up after.

"Come on Siri I know it hurts but we need to be ready to pick Harry up. We are getting custody of him, come on love we need to go get him, he can't be left without a guardian." Remus said soothingly.

I hadn't realized we were supposed to get Harry, I guess I didn't get to that part of the letter. I wiped my face and looked up at Remus. He kissed me gently and then took my hand and led me to the chimney and then we floo-ed to Hagrid's hut where he had Harry. We walked in and greeted Hagrid and Dumbledore. We talked for a moment before I heard the cooing of a baby. I looked to Dumbledore and Hagrid.

Dumbledore went and got Harry and brought him to us, I held Harry and I saw it, the mark of a curse on his forehead. I was just happily smiling though. I handed him to Remus and kissed his forehead. We thanked the two for looking after him and then left and went back to the mansion. I went to one of the guest bedrooms and cleared it out and then I left to go get baby supplies.

-* Remus POV*-

A kissed Sirius before he left and then lay Harry down for a nap in the pack-n-play we have for him. I went to the kitchen and began to make lunch, I know that Sirius is gonna need some time to himself later so I think once Harry goes to bed Sirius can have some alone time. I decide on a basic grilled ham and cheese sandwich for lunch.

I hear Siri come back and I have just finished lunch. I walk into the living room where Harry is asleep and Sirius just came inside. "Hey love," I say and he looks up at me and gives me a weak smile. "I have your lunch in the dining area. Hand me the bag and I'll go start setting up Harry's room." He walks over to me and sets his head on my chest, I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. "I know baby, I know." I murmur as tears stream down both of our faces.

Once we calmed down we got Harry up and fed him and then ate our lunch. I took the bag from Sirius and began setting up Harry's room. I got his bookshelves, bed, changing table, and toy box all set up by the time Harry needed to go to bed. Sirius had played with Harry and that seemed to make him feel a bit better. We layed him down and read him a book and then he fell asleep.

We went into the library and sat on the love seat. I read a book as Sirius lay his head in my lap and I gently stroked his hair. A little bit past midnight Siri had fallen asleep, he had a few crying spells but he just wanted to cry and stay the way we were. Once he fell asleep I changed him into his pajamas and went to bed with him.

I woke up to Harry crying so I got up and went to check on him, it was six in the morning so I wasn't too surprised. James and Lily have- had... a habit of getting up early. I fed him and then got him a bath, Sirius got up and went to have kreature make us breakfast. I brought Harry downstairs after his bath. Sirius had set up Harry a play area in front of the furniture. There was some building blocks and stuffed animals.

I set Harry down to let him play before heading to the dining room. I sat down next to Sirius who was slowly eating his breakfast while reading the daily profit. I ate my bacon and eggs before turning to Sirius. I stood up and kissed him on top of the head before taking our empty dishes to the kitchen sink. 

(733 words)

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