Ch 5- The Full Moon P2

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I hope you enjoy this chapter I worked really hard to get this posted today.

-Sirius POV-

I inhaled Remus' scent and I smiled when I did, he smelt of old pages, a sandy beach, and a slight hint of dog breath but I loved his scent. The sun had set when I looked out the window there was only the last few streaks of color left. I smiled when I looked back down at Remmy, he looked so peaceful and snuggled into my chest. I just wanted to stay like this with him but I knew he needed to wake up so we could go to the Forbidden forest for the full moon.

I began to play with his hair and rub small soothing circles into his back. "Remmy~ time to wake up moons~" I felt him stir and then look up at me with a yawn. Those sleepy golden flecked eyes were so gorgeous I never wanted to look away. I kissed him gently and slowly for a moment before pulling away and rolling onto my back pulling him with me. He smiled up at me and then propped his chin on his hand against my chest. "Morning beautiful."

He blushed but smiled before repositioning himself to straddle my waist, he leaned down and kissed me slowly intertwining our tongues. "Morning Siri, are we about to leave?" I nodded and then sat up so he was sitting on my lap.

"Mhm that's why I woke you up Rem." I stated as I planted a gentle kiss on his cheek and then moved him off my lap so I could wake up the other two. I missed his warmth already and I was only a yard away. I woke up Prongs and Wormtail. Prongs and I grabbed our quidditch brooms so we would get there faster. Moony rode behind me and Wormtail rode behind Prongs. We got to Hagrid's and checked in before heading off into the forest.

We got to the shack and Prongs and Wormtail transformed into their animagus, I waited though I didn't want to leave Remmy's side. I kissed Rem gently before walking out of the shack and then closing and locking the door behind me. I transformed into my animagus. I stood by the door ready for anything. I wasn't leaving Remus' side no matter what.

The full moon came above us and then the night began. I was haunted my Remus' screams once more. It was hours until all I could hear was the clawing and scratching of the wolf that stole my Remus. I shifted back and walked in locking the door behind me once more. Remus was returning to his usual form, I rushed over to him and held him in my arms.

"How awful was I?" He asks quietly and out of breath.

"You were beautiful my love..." I replied. I had watched through the window all night. I held him close before unlocking the door using my wand. I held him and murmured sweet compliments into his hair. I felt his breathing even out and then I lifted him up bridal style and gently held him to my chest as I walked out of the shack.

I carried him all the way back to Hagrid's and then held him as I flew on my broom. Once I got back to our room I immediately went to work on his wounds. I brought out our first aid kit and removed what was left of his sweater, and then his pants that were now shredded shorts. I began disinfecting the giant gashes on his chest. Remus groaned a bit in his sleep but didn't wake up thankfully. Once that was done I bandaged his chest, then went down to his legs, they weren't as bad and were mainly just a few small cuts. I finished bandaging him and then put him into his pajamas. I then went into the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey was already expecting us. She inspected my bandaging and smiled approvingly at them.

I snuggled Remus but then had to leave around ten minutes later to go to my bed sadly. I didn't sleep though I just lay there, the bed felt empty and I felt cold and alone. At three I got up and went to go workout and train, I didn't come back until seven. Once I got back I showered and dressed for the day. I was done by seven thirty and then I took my time getting to the hospital wing, I got there at eight just as I had planned. Madam Pomfrey smiled when she saw me, she always expects me the second the visiting hours are open after a full moon.

I walked in and went straight to Remus' side. I sat and waited, he wasn't awake yet but I held his hand and went to sleep until I felt him stir which caused me to wake up immediately. I looked into those golden flecked eyes and every bit of worry, or stress, and anxiety seemed to wash away, and I was left with happiness and relief. I smiled at him and as his smile lights up his face I know that he's okay.

I kissed him gently and slowly allowing the kiss to linger after we broke away. Madam Pomfrey excused us from our classes for the day and Remus was on bed rest, so once we got back to our dorm we cuddled and layed in bed basically all day. We napped and talked and Remus read, while I sketched. We never left each other's side practically and were always in some way connected.

This was perfect and we were happy, we fell asleep after lunch and hanging out with Wormtail and Prongs who were happy to see us. When we woke up we did our work for the day from all of our classes and then went back to cuddling together. We were happy to just be in each other's presence.

(976 words)

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