Ch 4- Telling the Marauders + Lily

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-*Sirius POV*-

The Marauders and I were all sitting together in the common area. Pete was attempting to do his Transfiguration homework, Lily was snuggled up against James in front of the fire, I was sitting next to Remmy sketching and he was reading.

It had been 3 weeks since we started dating and we decided to tell the others today. Now seemed as good of a time as any. I nudged Remmy gently and he looked at me. I looked at him and he seemed to understand what I meant. He put his book down and cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention.

"Siri and I would like to say something." Everyone looked at us and Remmy smiled down at me reassuringly. I nodded for him to continue. "As you all know Sirius is gay as I am bi, and well..." Remus trailed off a blush creeping onto his face. I took his hand and smiled gently before looking at the other 3.

"Remmy and I are dating and if you have any issues with it James can go screw Lily." I finished with a triumphant smile, a blushing James, and a shocked Lily. Pete looked at us and gave his usual lopsided smile before looking at the other 2. The 3 started laughing.

James eventually calmed down and gave us a very Sirius look. (Haha see what I did there!) "It's about time! We've been watching the two of you ogle at each other for the past 6 years it took you long enough." I blushed bright red and I noticed Remmy snicker a little. Lily was giggling and Peter was nodding in agreement.

With that settled we all went back to what we had been doing. I leaned against Remus as I was sketching and he was reading. I was almost done, it was a drawing of me protecting a mid-transformed Remus on the full moon of last year. I had been sketching his transformations since we had become animangas and if anyone found my book it would seem like a picture of a black dog and a werewolf. I drew the werewolf to where you couldn't tell that it was Remmy. The only thing that was similar was the perfect amber eyes with golden flecks around them.

I finished with the color and signed my initials underneath the drawing. I then flipped to another page and continued to sketch something new. I had drawn James and Lily, Pete, Remus of course, Remus and I but I wanted to draw something new. I thought about it and I had finally decided what to draw. I turned my page so it was a landscape drawing and I went to work. I began drifting off before dinner when I finished my rough sketch. I closed my book with the charcoal piece in it, snuggled into Remus's warm scent, and then gently drifted off to sleep peacefully.

-Time skip to dinner time-

I was woken by a gentle hand rubbing through my hair. I opened my eyes to see beautiful amber golden flecked eyes staring back at me. I let out a groan and closed my eyes again. I was then lifted and sat on my feet. I growled behind clenched teeth. "Sorry, Siri but you need to eat dinner, you didn't eat lunch or breakfast today." I nodded slowly as I adjusted into a more awake state. I felt a gentle pair of lips against mine and I kissed back on instinct. Remus' arms were around my waist supporting me until I woke up enough to support myself.

We all went down into the great hall and found our seats. I piled my plate full of food and got to eating ignoring everyone as I did so. I hadn't realized how hungry I really was until now. I finished 2 and a half platefuls and a helping of dessert before we left. When The Marauders all got back to our dorm we got out the map.

We looked to see that Professor Filch and Mrs. Norris were in the basement in what was his 'office'. Then there was Severus, we watched as he went to his dorm and looked to be pacing. We decided we wanted to see why he was pacing. Pete and James went to investigate. Remmy and I watched from the map. I saw as they got to his dorm. They cast a hearing charm so we could hear what was going on.

After a while we all got bored and ended up planning for the full moon after all it was tomorrow night and we needed to try and get out without students seeing us. We decided to fly out our window. James and I played Quidditch so we had our brooms. We would then fly to Hagrid's, who always would monitor when we left and when we came back so that way the other professors could make sure we weren't skipping, and that we were all alright.

We all eventually went to sleep, I was snuggled up against Remus in his bed with the curtains drawn and the only light coming from some of my dim Lumos light spheres around the top of the bed. We snuggled and shared kisses before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

(887 words)

Sorry for the shorter chapter everyone I have been busy and haven't had a whole lot of time to write but thank you for taking time out of your day to read this story.

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