Ch 6- After Graduation

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Hello everyone I hope you enjoy this I will only be posting on either Monday or Wednesday.

-*Remus POV*-

I walk through Black Manor looking for Sirius. We've been together for four and a half years and are currently supposed to be meeting up with James and Lily. I found him sitting in the library in front of the hearth as usual. I tapped his shoulder, "Hey come on we need to go meet up with James and Lily." He smiled and stood up, we then made our way to the chimney and grabbed a handful of Floo powder.

James and Lily had married a year after graduating and had been happily married for 2 and a half years. We flooed to the Potter household and smiled when we saw the happy couple. We greeted each other and then went to the living room to talk. Sirius and I sat on the love seat while the other two sat on the couch.

"Well there's an important reason we called you here, you see..." James trailed off and then looked at Lily who squeezed his hand and then continued for him.

"You see I'm pregnant, and we were hoping that you two could be the godparents of the boy, his name will be Harry James Potter," Lily said confidently, as always. Sirius smiled so brightly I could've sworn it went ear to ear. He then looked at me, we were both overjoyed.

"Of course, we will be! How could we ever say no." Sirius responded smiling and standing up.

We all embraced, and then the baby conversation continued, Lily was currently six months pregnant. It was no surprise that Sirius and I hadn't found out sooner we had been traveling around the globe in search of the dark lord. We were happy nonetheless. Lily had used a glamor so that we wouldn't be able to tell that she was pregnant, when we removed the glamour it was very obvious that she had a baby bump and was expecting.

Sirius and I went home and were happy, we stayed and ate with the potters and then came home. We went to Sirius' study to relax and fill out more paperwork. We had to finish our report from our pursuit of the dark lord, we only came back a week ago.

"Hey, Rem?" Sirius asked me.

"Yeah, Siri?"

"I was wondering, do you want to take a break from the ministry and just, relax it would be nice to relax for a little bit."

I stopped to think, it would be nice to take a break, "Yeah actually, that would be nice."

"Alright, I'll submit a paper saying we will be off duty until further notice."

With that, the two of us finished the last of our paperwork and wrote a letter to the ministry, and then sent the owls. I went to the Library and picked out a new book from one of the various shelves. No matter what I do I can't seem to get even close to reading all of the books. Sirius walked in and sat on my lap, gently so as to not disturb my reading. I hid his face in my neck and snuggled his body into my chest. I wrapped an arm around him and then continued with my book as I listened to his breathing pattern.

It was past midnight when I finished the book, Siri was asleep in my lap comfortably and hadn't moved since he sat down. I picked him up and then [ut up my book before heading to our bedroom. I quickly changed him into pajamas with a wandless spell and then lay him in bed, I then changed myself and curled up next to him contently and drifted off to sleep.

-* 1 year after Harry is born*-

-*Sirius POV*-

I woke up gently with my head buried in Remus' neck. I got up and got dressed. I had just found out yesterday that Lily, James, and their little boy Harry had to go into hiding from the dark lord. We decided that it was best to only tell one person where they were. We chose Peter, he was the least expected and the craftier option. With his animagus, he could more easily hide whereas I was very noticeable and well Rem can't control when he turns into a werewolf really.

I went and got my coffee and then made hot cocoa for Remus. I sat on his side of the bed and then set the cups on the nightstand. "Morning Moony~ it's time to wake up~" I cooed gently at him. All I got was a growl in response and then I was pulled into his arms and onto his chest. "Well then...good morning to you too," I said as his eyes peeked open and a light smile spread across his face.

"Morning Siri..." Moony said in his sleepy deep morning voice. I kissed him for a moment god I was so happy right at this moment. We sat up and I handed him his hot coco while I drank my coffee.

Suddenly there was a tapping at the window, I opened it and a great horned owl fluttered in, Jax. I unattached the letter from his foot and smiled at him, I scratched his head and he flew off to his nest. I opened up the letter, it was from the ministry and as I read it my heart dropped.

(882 Words)

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