Ch 5- The Full Moon P1

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Hello everyone I'm sorry it has been so long my freshman classes have been stressful. I had to separate this chapter because it was so long, so I will try and post the other part sometime this week. I hope you enjoy!!!

-*Remus POV*-

I was irritated all day. I hated the full moon, it turned me into a monster, a complete and total monster. I pretended to be fine, only the marauders would ever possibly see through my facade. Finally, the last class was over and I went straight to the dorms. I didn't bother to stop and say 'hi' to anyone. When I got there I tossed my stuff on the ground and flopped down into Siri's bed. It smelled like him so it was calming for me.

I lay there for a while until I smelt Siri. I still lay there though. I heard him come into the dorm. He sat down next to me and I felt the bed sink slightly when he did so. I heard him put his school stuff on the ground before laying down and pulling me into his embrace. My face was against his muscular chest and his hair tickled my forehead, I felt his hands running through my hair and him kissing the top of my head. It was calming and it felt nice. I inhaled his earthy coffee scent and began to relax more and more until I gently drifted off into an easy sleep.

-*Sirius POV*-

I knew today was gonna be hard for Remmy so I made sure that he ate at lunch, and I made sure people didn't bother him too much. I walked out of my last class and practically ran to the Gryffindor dormitory. I got there and immediately saw Remmy laying on my bed face down, with the uneven rise and fall of his torso the only thing indicating that he wasn't asleep. I walked over to my bed and sat down, I then put my books on the floor. I lay down next to Remmy and pulled him into my chest. I began running my hands through his sandy blonde hair.

I kissed the top of his head and continued to run my fingers through his hair until I heard his breathing even out as he drifted off to sleep. I smiled knowing he was gonna need as much sleep as he could get.

I made my Lumos spheres as Remmy slept and then I closed the curtains to my bed and sketched under the dim light of my spheres. I was beginning to get the sketch almost completely finished so I could add color. James and Pete came in and poked their heads into my bed.


"It's time for dinner we all need to eat before tonight," James stated. None of us ever joked around when it came to this. It was very serious and there was no room for error.

"I'll wake him and then meet you guys in the great hall." The two nodded and disappeared out of the dorm room.

I gently stroked Remus' hair and rubbed soothing circles into his back until I heard him groan and move around slightly. I looked down at him and began to coo wake-up calls to him gently. Once he was awake I kissed him gently. "Hey love it's time for dinner you've been asleep for about 5 hours." He looked up at me and nodded gently before taking a deep breath and stretching.

-*Remus POV*-

I stretched and groaned slightly before I got up. I yawned as I lay my head on Sirius' shoulder before kissing his cheek and then we went down to dinner. I ate about 3 platefuls knowing that I was going to need the energy. Everyone ate about half of what I did except Sirius who was still eating almost 3 platefuls every meal.

Siri had begun to fill back out, he would get up early every morning and go work out. Quidditch season started conditioning soon as well so he was making sure to work on his broom too. He would get up at around 3 in the morning and then come back at about 6 before showering and laying back down with me for another hour and a half before school.

I finished and then excused myself to go back to the dorm. I got there and lay back down in Sirius' bed. I sat up and began reading my book. I looked up when Siri walked in a few minutes later. He shut the door and then shifted into his animungas and jumped on the bed. I gave him a curious look but he just lay down next to me and put his head on my knee.

I continued reading my book until James and Pete walked in. They smiled at me and then went back to their conversation. I finished my book and lay down with Sirius. Siri snuggled closer to me before shifting out of his animungus, he wrapped his arms around me and inhaled my scent then lay his head atop mine. I began to relax into his embrace and snuggled into his strong chest.

We stayed like that for a while whilst him whispering sweet nothings into my hair. I felt safe while I was there in his arms. I heard James and Pete fall asleep and soon I did too, the last thing I remember is hearing Sirius whisper to me "I love you" and I whispered back "I love you too."

(876 words)

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