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☀︎︎|| 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 ||☀︎︎____________________☠︎︎

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☀︎︎|| 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 ||☀︎︎

Vance Hopper's POV


walked into the shop ready to play my pin ball game, ready to try and beat my high score but by the time I got there some girl was standing at the game.

" Move" I said and she didn't respond. I looked over her shoulder and saw her score and my Jaw dropped, she beat my high score. I slightly pushed her on purpose to make her stumble.

" Oh my God, dude really ? I was boutta beat my high-score" she whined and when she turned around my breath caught in my throat. She's the most prettiest girl I've ever seen, I usually get all the bitches but she seem way out of my league.

She saw me starring and looked down at her Shoes blushing before trying to walk away. " the games free now " she said, I could practically hear the smile on her face.

" Hey, uhh why don't you stay for a bit. Watch me play ?" I asked her. " only if you don't brag, if you beat my high score" she said and I chuckled.

" No promises" I said and she smiled. I started to play the game and once I was so close to getting my high-score sum cunt-wad bumped into the machine making the ball fall threw.
I went uo to the kid who bumbed into the machine and picked him up by his caller.

" You fucked with my game!" I threw him into the shelves of. " Hey relax!" The girl said and someone came at me with a knife and thats when I lost it. I took all three of them down and carved my pinball game score into the kids arm before the girl took me out the back door and we made a run for it. We didn't stop when we heard the sirens get farther and farther away.

We stopped at this abandoned house making me question what the hell this girl was doing and why we were here.

" What are we doing here ?" I asked looking around. She looked at me and smirked and gestured with her hands for me to follow her. There was this dirty couch she stood on top of and used to climb threw the sealing. I followed her and used my upper body strength to pull myself up.

We ended up in a room that looked better than the rest of the house did. There was an actual couch that was very clean some posters on the wall, she had a mirror and a carpet. It looked like she made it a home for her.

" Before you ask no I don't live here. This is my secret spot that NO ONE knows about and I made sure of it." She said before she went into the mini fridge she had. She handed me a soda and continued to speak. " I started to come here more often when my dad started drinking. He isn't a nice person when he's drunk. He's uh, abusive so I just try and stay away from home till dark cause he's usually asleep by then." How can anyone beat someone as pretty as that.

" I know my dad loves me and would never do anything to hurt me when sober but it's still wrong" she said before she shook her head shaking off the touchy subject.

" He's a cunt" is all I said. Im not good at comforting..

" Whats your name ?" I asked her as I went to go sit on the couch with her.

" Y/n" she said.

" I'm-" she cut me off.

" Vance Hopper. I know. Everyone does" she said making me laugh.

" Why do you fight so much?" She asked and to be honest I have no answer to that question besides the one I've stuck to for years.

" Its Just a lot of built up anger" I said looking down at my shoes. I felt a hand in my hair and looked to my side to see that it was Her. She played with my curls as we spoke and soon she checked her watch.

" Shit I have to get home. Dad said he was making dinner at five and it's six. I was supposed to help. Surprisingly today was the day he wanted to spend time with me" she said and a frown formed on my face as she explained that she had to go.

" Hey, why don't you come to my house. Dad won't mind" she said. I nodded and we both left her hide out and walked to her house. Once we got inside there her dad was, in a hoodie. I couldn't see his face at all and everytime I tried to get a peak he'd turn his face away.

" Your late sweetheart" he said.

" Sorry daddy. I made a new friend. His name is Vance!" She squealed. " you know how I feel about you hanging around boys at the age you are Y/n, they are naughty sometimes" he said making me scrunch up my face.

" Well dinner will be ready soon, you can help me cook tomorrow, baby cakes" he said.

" Ok, daddy me and Vance are gonna go up stairs watch a movie maybe or just talk I don't know" she said and dragged me up stairs. Her dad gives me the creeps.


Time passed and Y/n had fallen asleep on my shoulder when I got up I made sure that she was in her bed, and was comfortable before I put the black over her body and left out her bedroom door.

Walking down the steps I saw her dad come around the corner with a mask on, he had a spray can in his hand and he dropped something. " Hey you dropped something" I went to go and pick it up for him but he had grabbed me and sprayed something in my mouth I had tried to elbow him in the stomach but it didn't work.

" Nighty, nighty naughty boy" he said before he sent one wicked blow to my face instantly knocking me out.


Part two ?

A/N: Lemme know if I should make a part two. And you are free to make requests all you have to do is ask and you shall get.

I'm lazy as hell and don't feel like editing this right now so ima just leave it here till tomorrow by lovelys <33


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