Ch.1-Solas-Fluff-Acts of Care

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I'm restless.

Tossing and turning in my room is doing nothing to help me sleep. Despite the pains that Josephine took to decorate the lavish space. Groaning, I sit up and turn to press my feet into the soft red carpet under my bed. It almost looks a puddle of blood. Nausea swirls in my stomach as I push myself to my feet and pad over to the fireplace to soak in some of the crackling fire's heat. I'll have to tell Josephine that the red carpets have to go. They can be any other color. Just not red.

It's only to be expected that after dealing with demons for so long, a few would come to life inside my head. It's almost a relief to struggle. With so much blood on my hands, even from people who deserved their fate, I'd be concerned if I slept peacefully. I take a deep breath and glance out the window to see moonlight spilling over the snow-capped mountains like liquid silver. Beautiful. It's so beautiful here. The beauty is a salve every time I return from a long trip and my heart aches a bit every time I leave. It truly has become a home to me. Along with the people in it.

I turn and grab my navy robe warming beside the fire and wrap it around me before heading down the stairs. Thinking of Skyhold makes me think of Solas. He's the one who truly led us here, after all. Perhaps he's still awake.

I creep through the halls carefully, my bare feet silent on the cold stone as I ease the doors open before reaching the grand hall. Torches still glow softly to light the way but it's strange to see everything so still and quiet. It's nice. Peaceful. Maybe creeping out at night should become more of a habit for me.

I smirk as I pass Varric's preferred spot and can't resist peeking at a few of the papers scattered about the table. He's writing again. The fact fills me with satisfaction. If Varric is still writing after everything, then I know he'll be okay. He also gets cranky when he has a block, so it's in everyone's best interest that he keeps up the hobby. I scribble out a few silly notes for him to find before tucking all the papers under the small, metal candleholder on the table. Back to mission.

This door swings open on silent hinges, a spell from Solas keeping the metal oiled perhaps, but his name dies on my lips when I see him settled in his chair fast asleep. I pause a moment, blinking. Solas has the innate ability to fall asleep anywhere he chooses. An ability no doubt cultivated by sleeping in the most random places he could find in the hopes of experiencing some wonderous memory from the fade. But I've never seen him sleep here.

I frown. He doesn't sleep like this every night, does he? I'm not sure where everyone sleeps, I want them to have some semblance of privacy even with everyone in the same place, but I assumed everyone had a bed! I lean in the doorway as I tuck the worry away to attend to in the morning. At least he looks peaceful. He's laid back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest and long legs stretched out under the desk with ankles crossed. His head is tipped up towards the ceiling as if he were under the night sky searching for stars.

A smile tugs at my lips. He looks so much younger in his sleep. Less troubled by the world. I prod him for stories everywhere we go and he obliges me with a smile. I love his tales, the intrigue, the surprises, the sound of his voice, but I like the happiness I can see shining from his eyes when he tells them even more. Something weighs on him. Cole has noticed the same, but I hear Solas won't let him help. So I do my best to help in my small, subtle ways. Even if it breaks my heart to see him looking off into the distance with heaviness tugging at his brow and pulling down his lips. Sometimes it'll even happen when he's looking at me, but I doubt he's aware of it.

No matter. I'll wait until he's ready to speak of it. Even if he never does, I'll do my best to lighten the weight in whatever way I can.

I turn and hurry back through the halls to my room, gathering a few blankets in my hands before rushing back to him. I'm a bit breathless, but I keep my panting quiet as I lay two on the small couch behind him, then take another into my hands. My approach is hesitant, but I keep my nerve and gently lay the blanket over him. He doesn't stir but for a small sigh and I can't resist smiling as I tuck the blanket around him the best that I can.

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