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*Cullen's POV*

"Maker's breath." I sigh as I look over the stack of papers to my left. The pile never seems to get smaller no matter how much work I do. My hand smooths over my head and into my hair before I settle down at my desk and get to work. There's no hope for a reprieve today. My—I mean, the Inquisitor is out on a mission and we haven't received word on when she'll return. Soon, I hope. Despite the fact that her presence cuts down on my productivity.

A smile tugs on my lips as I look over my desk, the memory of her draped across it still fresh in my mind. My hands flex at the thought of her soft skin stitched together with pale scars, her sweet gasps, the taste of her, the way she moans my name just before—

A knock at the door rips me out of the memory and I shake my head. Even when she isn't here, she has all of my attention. I shift a bit and make sure the uncomfortable situation in my pants is hidden under the desk before calling for whoever it is to enter. I don't realize I'm hoping it's the Inquisitor until Jim steps in with yet another report and the feeling vanishes. "From the Ambassador, ser."

"Thank you." Even to me, my voice sounds disappointed. Maker, I've turned into a lovesick puppy. "These reports go to Leliana. Straight there. No detours." I give him a firm look as he takes them and smile a bit when he rushes out. He still hasn't recovered from the little scare I gave him when he interrupted the Inquisitor and me on the battlements. It may be wrong of me to capitalize on his fear, but it certainly makes his feet quicker.

After he leaves and shuts the door behind him, I bury myself in my work. Each piece of work done, each report read, furthers our cause and helps the Inquisitor do her job. I can't go out into the field with her every time, but I can do my part here. Hours pass and the next time I look up, the windows are dark. I pinch my brow before my fingers press into my eyes. I hadn't realized night had fallen. I heave a sigh and pick up the report I'd set aside. One more. One more, then I'll head up to my loft.

Halfway through, I hear a light, distinct knock that only belongs to one person. "Yes?" I call out anyway as the report in my hand flutters back to lay on the desk. I feel a rush of relief as the door swings open to reveal the Inquisitor. She's whole and without injury, so far as I can see, and her hair is damp as if she's already bathed. Could I have been so absorbed in my work that I missed the sound of her arrival?

"Now, how did I know that you would still be working?" She asks with a gentle smile alighting her beautiful face. Maker, she's a lovely sight. I move to rise, but she waves her hand telling me not to move.

"Seems I'm more predictable than I might like."

She hums, smile widening as she steps in and shuts the door behind her. "I don't know. I do enjoy always knowing where to find you."

I laugh softly and take in the light that brightens in her eyes when I do. "As do I." She rounds the desk, her fingers skimming the edge before stepping closer. It's instinct to make room for her and I love the ease with which she sits on my thigh, then tosses her legs over mine as she settles in my lap. "You seem well." My arm wraps around her waist while my other smooths over her legs.

"I've no new scars to show you this time, Commander. Although Cassandra nearly boxed my ears when I suggested she cover my entrance so that I could take a bath in peace. You'd think I asked her to kiss Varric's bare ass." A surprised laugh leaves me, louder this time, and she grins as I hold her a little closer.

"I didn't hear you arrive. Did she agree?"

Her arm lays around my neck, fingers creeping into my hair as she shakes her head. "Dorian heard me say 'put on a performance' and decided to take over. His little distraction lasted so long that I was in my room before anyone noticed a thing. Cassandra did tell the others that I was attending something else nearby with Solas, so she bought us tonight at least. Solas was content to stay behind a while to dally in the fade, so it all worked out quite nicely."

I raise a brow and lift a hand to trail it down her braid still damp from her bath. "And what was the goal of this master plan?" She leans into me and Maker, I could live with her in my lap.

"To hopefully spend one peaceful night with you without being dragged away." She lets her forehead rest against mine and I feel the tension leak out of her body. It's an absolute gift to be able to provide her that comfort. "Would you be amenable to that?"

"You certainly don't have to convince me." I relent and feel something fill my chest that I've rarely felt in my life as she presses her lips to mine. Contentment.

"You realize this means that you'll have to stop working." She murmurs against my lips, her other hand lifting so her thumb can skim the scar over my lip.

I smile against her touch. "It wouldn't be the first time you interrupted me today." Her head cocks slightly and I clear my throat as I glance at the desk beside us.

Her gaze follows mine before she chuckles. "Ah. I suppose I shouldn't be so happy to hear I'm distracting my commander, but you don't take enough breaks as it is. You could do with a few more distracted moments."

My head shakes even as a fond smile tugs on my lips. "I hardly get any work done when you're here. Is that not enough?"

She gives me a wink and slides a hand through my hair. "Why do you think I visit you so often? Other than missing you, of course." It's such a small thing, yet the simple thought of her missing me fills my heart to bursting.

"I missed you as well." My voice deepens as my eyes look over her face even though every detail is already etched into my mind.

"Prove it, Commander. Come to bed." She pecks my lips before sliding off my lap. Her hand goes to the desk once again, as if she's bracing against it, and I pause a moment as I get up. Her name slips from my lips and she waves away my worry before I've even voiced it. "I said I have no new scars for you to discover, but I have plenty of bruises."

I frown. "Should you see a healer—"

Her head shakes as she reaches out to take my hand. "The only healing I need is to lay in bed with you. If you think it necessary, I'm also willing to accept kisses." She tugs me slowly over to the ladder before stalling at the bottom. I know she's waiting for my acceptance, that she would go to a healer to assuage my worry even if it would ruin her plan.

"Very well. I still hope you'll see a healer tomorrow."

Her smile chases away my concern like sunlight banishing shadows. "It's unnecessary, Cullen, but you're more than welcome to give me a once over." Her grin turns crooked before she begins to ascend the ladder. I heave a breath, but there's a smirk on my face as well as I climb after her.

Word Count-1,303


Cullen is my sweet baby and I will protect him at all costs.

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