Ch.7-Dorian-Bestie fluff-True Family

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*Dorian's POV*

I see the group gathering in the courtyard from my comfortable little nook and since the book in my hands isn't distracting me nearly enough, I decide to investigate. Turns out, I'm not the only one. "Didn't take you for someone who enjoyed watching petty squabbles, Commander. Is this one particularly juicy?" I tease and he sighs, barely glancing at me from his spot leaning on the wall in the middle of the bridge leading to his office.

"She said she wanted to handle this on her own, but I didn't want to leave her without backup." I follow his gaze once I reach his side and find the object of his attention, and affections, standing stiffly across from the delegation. There are only about five people before her, a man, a woman, and some personal guards, but she stands as if it were an army. She crosses her arms over her chest and even though we can't hear their conversation, it's clearly a tense one.

"Who are they?" I ask with interest in my voice while a little concern rises in my chest.

"Her family." He grumbles and my concern grows.

"Not close, I take it."

He chuckles without humor. "You could say that. They have a...strained relationship. She hasn't seen them in years and was more than happy to keep it that way. They reached out a few months ago. Although they mentioned nothing about coming here." From his tone, I'm guessing he would have been happier if they had stayed away.

I lean on the stone wall next to him doing some math in my head. "A few months ago, eh? So, after Halamshiral. Where our darling Inquisitor easily wooed the court and secured an alliance with one of the most powerful countries in the world." Pieces of the puzzle fall into place as Cullen nods.


"Ah. No idea why they would reach out after that. Definitely not suspicious."

His gaze casts over to me with a small smile tugging on his lips. "She's well aware that they're more than likely after her power and influence. She made her advisors clear on that as well. She's thwarted their advances so far and apparently, they ran out of patience." He looks back at her and any amusement on his face vanishes. "She's been utterly professional throughout the process, but I know it's hard for her. Even if they haven't been in contact for a while, she loved them once."

His words hit close to home, rather literally for me, and my heart squeezes as she glances down at the ground as the woman continues speaking at her. "No worries, my friend. She may have said she wanted to handle things alone, but I wasn't there so that doesn't apply to me."

"Dorian, I don't know if—"

"She was there for me during my family troubles, Commander. It's only fair that I return the favor."

He hesitates a moment, then nods once. "Thank you." There's some relief in his gaze as I turn and walk back into the rotunda, through the grand hall, then down the steps to where the Inquisitor stands. I give a little salute to the Commander still watching before the group notices me.

"Inquisitor. Seems your morning is off to an interesting start." I greet and seeing some tension leave her shoulders is worth the risk I took in coming down.

"Dorian." She sighs with relief and reaches out a hand to coax me closer. Her touchy-feely nature threw me off at first, I wasn't used to someone touching so lightly, so freely, simply out of care, but now it's a joy. I'd never admit it to her, or anyone, but I might be a bit addicted at this point. She sways into me with a tired smile. "I'm always interesting. That's why you love me."

"So long as I remain the most fascinating person in your life." I tease back and am glad to see light in her eyes as I wrap her arm around mine.

"I see." The woman, her mother I'm guessing, shakes her head as her lips purse in clear disapproval.

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