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*Solas's POV*

Night has fallen and while most of my compatriots have retired or traversed to the tavern, I remain at my desk. There is so much to do, so much left to accomplish, not only for the Inquisition, but for my own plans as well. For tonight, the many pleasures this castle offers must wait.

At least, that was my intention.

A hiccup echoes through the hall ahead followed immediately by a familiar giggle. The sound brings a small smile to my face as my gaze raises to spy a willowy frame swaying through the open doorway, a hand skimming the wall as she walks. Another hiccup fills the room as she walks in and I note the half-drunken bottle in her other hand. I'm halfway out of my seat when the light hits her and I'm frozen when I see what she's wearing.

It looks like a single piece of fabric. Gleaming, supple, green silk gathers at the swell of her breasts before falling down to her upper thighs and tapering to a point just below her knees. Thin straps that look as if they're made from tiny crystals hold up the entire dress and all thoughts funnel out of my head at the sight. Well, all but the thoughts of how easily those straps could slide off her shoulders. "So—Solas, I brought you something." She giggles again at her struggle and I can't help how my body warms at the sound.

"You look as if you have been having a pleasant time. Although your outfit does not seem appropriate for the snow-covered mountains." I round my desk to greet her as she leans back against the wall beside the door.

She waves a dismissive hand back where she came. "I had boots and one of the most ridiculously plush fur coats on earlier, but I...I think I lost them on the way over." She giggles again and her laughter pulls me in. I reach back and hold onto the edge of my desk as a reminder to keep my hands to myself. Her brows pinch together. "Is the dress not flattering? Josie and Leliana approved. I think Leliana even made a comment about parading me around the hall in it to attract allies." Her eyes roll at the notion even as takes an unsteady step forward into a shaft of moonlight. Her cheeks are red from alcohol or the cold from the walk over, possibly both, and half of her hair is tied up out of her face while the rest tumbles down her back and shoulders. She's a gift I never expected and one I would like very much to unwrap.

"I apologize if you thought my comment disparaged you. I am certain you could bring any nation to their knees in such a dress, not to mention convince any singular person to bend to your indomitable will."

"Including you?" She counters and the wood from my desk creaks as I cling to it. Even addled with drink, her eyes shine with intelligence and her mind even more than her body has always been irresistible to me. Usually her speech is tempered around me, careful to keep up decorum and professionalism until rare moments when we're away from it all. This is a side of her I have yet to see. "What could I convince you to do, Solas?" Any warning bells ringing in my head are drowned out by the sound of my name on her lips.

"What would you have me do?" I counter as she takes a step closer and sets the bottle on the desk beside my hand, her body close enough to touch, but she's careful not to.

"I would have you do many things, Solas. In varying places, in varying positions, in varying states of dress." She puts her hands behind her back, intentionally or unintentionally presenting her breasts to me barely covered by the sleek silk. My pants tighten as a certain situation grows, but I'm determined to play her game now.

"And which would you have me do tonight, da'len?" The name is supposed to throw her off, but she only draws nearer so our lips are a ribbons-width apart. Every inch of her is soaked in power, not from the mark, but from her own skill and leadership. She wears it almost as well as her dress and I have always found it hard to resist a strong woman who knows when and where to use her strength. Her wisdom and finesse were what drew me to her in the first place and she continues to surprise me.

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