Chapter 2

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I walked into class with a purpose, like my friend Kaya would say. As I looked around my AP Chem class wondering eyes fell on me. I smiled broadly trying to give off the impression of a friendly attitude and tried not to look too uptight. I spotted a free seat in the third row.

"Perfect," I thought, "close to the front but not too close." I settled down in my seat fiddled with the strap for a few seconds.

"Hey," a voice said behind me.

I turned around. A girl with jet black hair pulled into a sleek yet sophisticated pony tail smiled at me. She had disco pants which covered legs that could stretch for miles, a baseball tee and black Converse. I already liked her.

"Hi," I replied smiling back.

"Nice boots. I've had my eye on them for some time now." She said wistfully.

"Good to know you've got great style!" I replied, "I'm sorry, bad joke."

"Good one," she laughed, "It's nice to know someone can be genuine in this hell-hole they call a school."

"I wouldn't call it a hell-hole... Maybe a little hard to get around?" I tried to lighten the tone of our conversation.

"Oh please!," she guffawed, "it's like they shoved 1000 kids in the smallest building in Toronto they could find!"

"Maybe not the smallest building..." I countered, "but pretty this comes pretty close."

"So, where you from anyways? You don't seem like you're from here, not with what your wearing anyways... I get blinded by all these American Eagle jeans, Ugg wearing, and Aritzia sweatered girls I forgot what other clothes actually looked like." She ranted.

"It's not thaaat bad," I said.

"It's pretty bad."

"Ya." I agreed wholeheartedly.

"Do they all shop at the same stores? At the same time?"

"Might as well, save energy while they're at it."

"So what's you're name?" I asked genuinely curious.


"I like it! That whole boy name for a girl thing."

"Yeah, but my mom actually wanted a boy and refused to choose another name." She replied sheepishly.

"Ohh! Wow, that's interesting." I said truly fascinated.

"Yea, how about you girl not from Toronto, what's your name?"

"Mia." I shrugged, "No cool story, just Mia."

"Well 'Just Mia' I'm Jake." A throaty voice said in my ear, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine.

Just then, as I turned around, I looked into the bluest eyes I've ever laid eyes on.

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