Chapter 6

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I heard beeping around me. Hospital monitors? What the hell happened? My head was pounding with a headache I've become all too familiar with, and I heard voices from a distance as if I was coming closer to reality.

"When will she wake up? Are you sure she's okay?" His voice was laced with concern.

"I think you should go home son, your parents will be worried." An old, gruff voice said.

But I knew that Jake would've rather stayed with me. In the little time that I had known him, he told me how he hated being home. How despite how well he had been brought up, his parents neglected to support him and whenever it was him or work, the work always came first.

"It's okay, I'll stay if you don't mind doctor." He replied back.

I tried to move my hands, and open my eyes. All I saw was the lights overhead the bed. Too bright, I thought.

"Jake." I tried to form his name.

"I'm here." And his hand found mine instantly. I never noticed how cold my hands were. "I'm here." He said again.

"What happened?" I asked, my eyes finally looking into his. I saw my reflection, the fear mirrored back, the concern in both our faces.

"I don't know, you blacked out. Apparently you have some underlying condition.." He said questioning me.

"Oh, he's mistaken." I replied hastily, talking about the doctor who had just left the room. "I'm healthy as a horse." I wondered when I would have to tell him. I didn't want to. This was wrong, but him beside me didn't feel so wrong. I liked the way his hand felt when he held mine. As if they were made to hold each other, it was a perfect fit.

"Mia.." His voice warned me and brought me back from my reverie. I knew he could tell I was lying. But he didn't press me any further. "You should rest, you look exhausted." He finally said after a few seconds of silence.

"Jake, if you want to tell me I look like shit, you could just say so. I'm not fragile you know." I said back halfheartedly.

"Fragile huh?" He retorted.

"Uhuh," I agreed.

"Okay sleep, my unfragile one."

And with that I closed my eyes. His face imprinted in my mind. Right before I could succumb to my tiredness, I heard the soft strains of him singing a familiar song. I never knew he could sing so beautifully was all I remember thinking before I fell asleep.

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