Ch. Seventeen

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Jodie's POV

It was around 7:30pm by the time I got home. My whole family was still out apart from my sister but she was locked in her room, and from what I could hear, her boyfriend was with her. Not like that, but she was laughing. She only does that when he's around. Or when she's watching me getting a beating.

I slyly wondered into my room and sat down on my bed. I threw the water bottle that Katie gave me onto my desk and my phone hidden under my pillow. I slid down till my head was on the pillow and I could feel that the tears from earlier hadn't dried up. Possibly the cause being that the window was shut tightly and so was the door, not allowing any wind to come in. It felt nice, being home again. Without my parents being here.

My leg was still aching badly and Katie had suggested that I get it checked up due to my limp. I shrugged off the idea and excused myself saying that my parents would give me Hell if I were to be late. She understood.

I slowly twisted so that I lay on my side, quietly groaning at the pain which shoots up my leg in a pain spasm. Instead of moving around to find a position in which I wasn't in pain, I simply lay there thinking about Becky and what she might have meant.

To be honest, I was sort of okay with it in the end. She must have had a reason and she may be in the wrong but I couldn't find it in me to care any more. Its been a long day and my energy has run out. All I could do was lay there and relive everything that happened today. From Oskas encounter to meeting Katie to falling off a tree to Becky's phone call.

It had just gone 8 when I heard a faint knock at my door. It then slowly opened and a tall guy with broad shoulders and very white teeth walked in. His face dropped to embarassment instantly as he tripped up on his words.

"I'm so Josh. Wait w-what...I was gonna say I'm so sorry a-and then wanted to er...introduce myself. I thought this was, um, the toilet. I'm Josh... whiiiich you already kno-" This went on for quiet a while and even though it amused me, it needed to stop.

"Josh! Stop! The bathrooms across the hallway." I chuckled. I knew this was my sister's boyfriend, because who else would it be. He had blonde hair which curled up in a quiff, reminding mebof a Quaver. His eyes were a dark brown and his skin was pale, with freckles dotted on his cheek.

He wasn't my "type" as some would say, but I've gotta admit...he is pretty cute. The Quaver stumbled out of my room and headed straight ahead following the directions I gave him after nodding his head in appreciation. I chuckled again and layed back down, closing my eyes.

At the time, I didn't know I wouldn't open them again until daylight.


I have crazy plans for this story its gonna be amaze ballz:')

Q: Fave part of the book so far?
A: When she fell out of the tree; it was so much fun writing it haha


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