Ch. Two

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Jodie's POV

"Mum?" I breathed into the silent room, almost shivering from fear! I skimmed my eyes across her bed, checking if she was asleep or awake.

"What the hell, you slut? You just woke me up!" My mum cursed jumping out of bed. I winced and backed up a little, but decided to take a step forward again, not wanting to seen weak anymore.

"I'm sorry, mum. B-but, am I allowed-d breakfast? I hadn't eaten for three days straight and-" Oh, way to be brave, Jodie! My voice had cracked ever so slightly, you would have to be so close to me to be able to pick it up.

Mum groaned in frustration, her eyes sending daggers straight at my heart.


"Fuck, no! Now get the hell out of my room before I whoop your ass at this time of day." She spat, making me wince. I nooded, before slyly backing out of her room. I shut the door silently, before rushing downstairs.

I practically ran to school, the bell was going to ring in under a minute, even though my leg was still bruised from my beating yesterday.

The most painful part wasn't the beating, it was my dad. He just watched it all happen, sadness and pity vibrating from his eyes. He would always tell me at night 'we'll get away' and 'please be strong, I'll stand up for you' but he never does.

And then at night, he ran away. From me!


Sorry it's short :( I'm about to go out now, so please bear with me, I'll update soon though <3

I think of Jodie as Emma (played Hermoine in Harry Pooter) when she had long hair!

Q: If you had to be the opposite sex, and be a celebratieeeeee, who would ya be?

I'd be Simon Cowell coz he MADE 1D ;)



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