Ch. Twelve

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Jodie's POV

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I was sat on one of the dark red chairs in our classroom, waiting for Becky to arrive, impatiently tapping against the metal table in front of me. I half expected her to show up in some glamorous clothes and her hair styled nicely with a touch of make up, but I also suspected she'd come in dressed in ripped clothes and her hair in knots falling down her back, hoping yesterday was all just a nightmare.

But both expectations had been wrong; Becky had on a normal band tee (a band I'd never heard of and am pretty sure nor had she) and basic leggings. She wore sandals and had her hair up in a normal ponytail. It wasn't the poor, hard beaten Becky I'd come to love for the past decade, yet it wasn't the made up dolly I saw at the library the previous day. It was an inbetween Becky.

She gave me a sideways glance as she sat down with a perky smile on her face. I smiled back, not quite sure how to talk to her.

"So," she grinned. "How are you?" Her voice was a pitch higher than normal but I brushed it off as excitement for a new day as always.

"Doing good. We have a test later don't we?" I moaned, hoping to bring up a topic in which it's impossible for her to bring up Oska in.

"Mhmm." She smirked, going red. I was beyond confused. To me, it seemed as though she was happy about the little fact; almost excited. But I knew Becky. The day she got excited for a test would be the day I kissed a frog.


But I didn't say anything. Instead, I turned my head to the front and focused on the teacher as he spoke of the fayre coming up.

As soon as the bell rang, Becky jumped out of her seat and took long strides towards the door with only lottle time to wave at me before disappearing behind the door frame. I slowly slid out of my chair and shuffled out after her, noticing that she was heading in the opposite direction to our first lesson; PE. Sport. Rolling my eyes, I turned to the correct direction and glided along  the halls in my own little bubble going over what just happened. Surely she knew we had a lesson together; so why did she wave? And why is she going inbthe direction of the main gates which lead out of the school?

As much as all my questions lead to the theory that she was ditching school with her beloved Oska, that hypothesis was instantly erased as soon as I saw the devil himself striding towards the school gym.

So where is she going? That very question kept nagging at me all lesson which lead to me being hopeless at the sport. We had been playing rounders, yet it didn't register in my mind that after you hit the ball you run! I would just lurk there as my team shouted at me.

"You hopeless nancy, RUN!"

"Jodie! Go!"

"Urghhhh are you kidding me?"

So I did what I do best; I walked off.

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