Ch. Eight

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Jodie's POV

I woke up feeling quite happy despite everything that had happened yesterday. I stumbled off of my mattress before stretching my arms up and making the most inhuman noise I could make.

Knowing I wouldn't be granted a shower, I began hunting for decent enough clothes. I found an old pair of shorts that came down to my knees and a blue and white hoodie so I put them on, not being able to find a clean shirt.

Trying not to make too much noise, I checked to see if my door has been unlocked during the night; it had.

I let out a relieved sigh, before grasping the door knob and slowly opening the door. The house seemed eerily quiet, so I guessed that mother has left for "work" and my sister probably ditched collage and went to see Becky's brother.


I decided to take the chance and quickly eat breakfast before school. Just the thought of a nice cereal bar made my stomach grumble.

I made my way to the kitchen, a little skip to my step, and hummed quietly to a song my mother always used to sing to me.

Smile, my baby, grin real wide.

Show me those teeth now, show me pride.

Don't be scared, please, mummy's right here.

Smile for me now, girl, mummy's still here.

Even though the song counted no more, for some reason nothing could bring me down. I was happy.

After making sure I left no traces in the kitchen, I started making my way to school, sending Becky a short text saying 'OMW' meaning on my way.

It only took her a few seconds to reply with 'S' meaning same. Pushing my brick phone into my back pocket, I sped up slightly.

It took me a fair ten minutes to finally arrive at the grand gates, the students crowding around waiting for them to be opened.

Finally the clock struck half seven, and slowly the gates started sliding open, letting the early bird students flood the once empty school. While everyone pushed through and rushed into school, I decided to take my time and wait for the rush to die down before finally walking in.

I made my way to the lockers, seeing that Becky wasn't leaning against her locker like usual. Instead, she was stood talking to a blonde guy with large glasses. I was confused and a little worried he was bothering her, but that stopped once I saw her tilt her head back in laughter, slapping the guy's shoulder playfully.

I relaxed slightly, before pacing closer to them. As soon as I was in eye sight, Becky and the boy's heads snapped in my direction.

"Jo, meet Oska."

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