Silly love songs

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Disclaimer: Don't own Glee or Valentine's Day

Kurt loathed Valentine's Day. He hated it with a passion. He was always alone, and he had to watch as obnoxious couples hung all over each other. It was sickening. He hated all the decorations and all the ridiculous love movies that played over and over again on every channel. It was just an excuse to sell more candy and gifts. At least this year he'd be at Dalton where there were no girls.

It was a place to escape from all the madness. The only girls that he had to worry about were the girlfriends of his friends and that doesn't even mean he would see them. He did know that there were a couple of gay couples, but he wouldn't mind that so much. The halls weren't lined with decorations or anything, so Kurt was expecting his Valentine's Day to be the same as all the other days in the year, that was until he walked into his room after school on the Monday before.

Everywhere he looked were pink and red heart decorations hung everywhere. He heart fell and he groaned. "Trent! Why does it look like cupid pooped all over our room?"

Trent came out of the bathroom with a smile. "Doesn't it look fantastic? I just love Valentine's Day! Isn't it just the best holiday of all time? It's like such a romantic day, and I could only hope that I will eventually have someone to spend it with."

"Don't you think that you should have asked me before putting them up on my side?" Kurt asked as he placed his bag on his bed. "This holiday is stupid, and I hate it."

"What?" he gasped. "How? It is a day to just let go and love someone. You don't need someone though. It's just the love of the day. You can spend it with your friends."

Kurt felt a heart hit his head, so he tore it down. "Just keep the crap off my side and we will do just fine." He paused before sitting down. "It's not like I don't want someone to spend it with."

"Well," Trent said as he moved to sit next to Kurt. "Why don't you just tell Blaine? I know that you are nervous, but maybe you could spend the holiday together looking into each other's eyes."

"I'm not going to tell him, Trent. I'm just holding out hope that Blaine will just realize he's helplessly in love with me."

"Blaine is as oblivious as a pumpkin," Trent replied with a laugh.

Kurt frowned, looking down. "That doesn't even make sense. What is that supposed to even mean?"

"Never mind that. Blaine's not going to make the first move. He is oblivious to the feelings you have, so unless you tell him, nothing will happen. You are just going to keep being disappointed."

"Stop being so mean," he mumbled as he got up and walked to the bathroom. He just couldn't let Trent's words get him down because that would make the holiday ten times worse. He wanted to hop for Blaine to realize he was in love with him, but he knew that it was a long shot.

Blaine knocked on Kurt's door before he opened the door to peak in. The hundreds of little hearts all over the room took him by surprise. "Wow, very festive." He looked to see Trent on Kurt's bed. "Hey Trent, uh where's Kurt?"

"Bathroom," Trent answered, smiling. "Any plans for V-Day, Blaine?"

"Well, I was thinking about asking this guy out that I've been texting," Blaine admitted, looking down. "I met him a couple months ago, and I really like him. I'm not so sure though. I'm not that brave when it comes relationships."

Trent nodded, and Blaine noticed the boy's face fall a little. "I hope everything works out then cause that's really cool."

"What's really cool?" Kurt asked, walking out and smiling at Blaine.

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