Prom queen

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Disclaimer: I do not own Glee unfortunately.

The week of prom hit Kurt full force. He was actually excited about the night because he wasn't alone anymore. He wouldn't have to go as Mercedes' date. He was planning his outfit, which had to be over the top, and deciding on how he was going to ask his boyfriend to the event. It had to be all planned out, and it had to be perfect.

He asked Blaine to meet him at BreadStix the Monday night before prom. He was simply going to drop the question as soon as they ordered. It was going to be magical. He and Blaine hadn't been to many events together. Sure McKinley had people who would judge them, but that wasn't going stop him from slow dancing at prom with Blaine. It was a dream of his.

He hurried to the restaurant; the last thing he wanted was to be late. Blaine on the other didn't seem to mind if he was late. Finally, the boy came jogging up, a hint of pink on his cheeks from the wind. Kurt took the time to check out his boyfriend not in his blazer for once.

Blaine smiled widely when he saw Kurt, hopping up on the ledge of the sidewalk in front of Kurt. "Hey, you." He took Kurt in a big hug, squeezing him tightly. "Sorry I'm late."

"Not that late," Kurt murmured. He pulled away and chanced a quick kiss on the cheek. "I can look past it."

"Great, shall we go inside?" Blaine asked as he held out his hand.

Kurt nodded as they walked into the restaurant. Kurt swore that the hostess knew them because every time she set them at the same table, their table. The waitress took their orders and brought their drinks. After she left, Kurt knew it was his time to begin. "Give me your hand."

Blaine didn't hesitate as he slid his hand into Kurt's offered ones. He looked eager to hear what Kurt was about to say, so he just asked, "Blaine Warbler, will you go to junior prom with me?"


"It'll be the social event of the season!" he tried enthusiastically. He paused to see the hesitant look on Blaine's face and his hope and excitement plummeted. "You don't want to go to prom with me?"

"No!" Blaine answered quickly. "No, no, of course." Kurt pulled his hand away, and Blaine tried to reach out for it. "Of course I want to go with you! It's just...Prom."

"What about prom, Blaine?" Kurt asked. He knew that something had to happen for the boy to not want to go, but he was upset. Everything he had planned for Saturday wouldn't be happening if the boy said no, and he'd be crushed. Blaine wouldn't even look up at him.

"At my old school there was a Sadie Hawkins dance," Blaine started, glancing up and Kurt. Blaine never really talked about his old school. "And I had just come out. So, I asked a friend of mine; the only other gay guy in the school. While we were waiting for his dad to pick us up... these three guys... um... beat the living crap out of us."

Kurt took in the new information, and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. The thought of Blaine being hurt made him fume. He felt horrible for jumping to conclusions. "I...I'm so sorry."

"I'm out, and I'm proud and all that. This is just a little bit of a sore spot." He leaned his head on his hand and looked to Kurt, but Kurt was busy going through what would happen.

"This is perfect," Kurt said more to himself. "You couldn't face up to the bullies at your school, so you can do it at mine." Blaine smiled. "We could do it together."

He looked across the table and found Blaine still quiet. The last thing he wanted to do was make the boy do something he didn't want to do. "But I have to say, Blaine, that if it makes you feel uncomfortable at all then we'll just forget about prom. We'll go to a movie instead."

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